Co-Temple of Bermedicus and Provimus

The current structure was completed in 1386 by Teruus Dolasbamus, who expanded a smaller temple dedicated only to Bermedicus. In 1416, Terua Agpumoida, who later became the Awatcova, ordered further expansions of the temple, dedicated to both Bermedicus and her personal patron, Provimus.

The temple is open to worshipers of both gods. Services for Bermedicus are held outside the city, but offerings and counseling are available from Ganuvus Etcogilisur and his staff of priests. Services for Provimus occur daily at the second hour, sixth hour, and ninth hour, each lasting about forty minutes. There are currently thirty-eight full priests of Provimus, with sixteen more in study. Ganuvus oversees a staff of forty-two priests of Bermedicus.

Founding Date
1376 LE until 1386 LE, with further expansion from 1410 LE until 1416 LE.
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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