Cuncedam Calpiaux

Cuncedam , Calpiaux ("the Calpian") (a.k.a. Cuncidamus R̂idius)

Cuncedam Calpiaux (KOON-keh-dawm KAWL-pee-awks) is a semi-legendary figure among several ethnicities, especially among the Calpii, who consider him the founder of Calpi.

During his mortal life, he became legendary, and this elevated him to a demigod status. Although he can be killed like any mortal, he no longer ages and possesses divine power beyond that of ordinary humans.

Divine Domains


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Cuncedam is technically still mortal, though his body no longer ages.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The legends about this demigod vary a bit, but the harmonized version spelled out in The Tale of Gaebqum and Cuncedam , recorded around six years after his departure from Kornax is fairly accurate, despite its fantastical elements.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Survived the wrath of the Elder Goddess Ystrantia
  • Survived the wrath of the Younger Goddess Tirelva (Threlved)
  • Carried his brother to refuge with the Greatwyrn Raqeq
  • Founded Calpi
  • Fought at Raqeq's side until his death in the Dragonwars
  • Fought as part of the Great Alliance against the Tyrant Dragons
  • Helped drive back and defeat the giants after the end of the Dragonwars

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Unable to defend the life of Raqeq in the Dragonwars

Morality & Philosophy

Cuncedam is a staunch champion of Justice, as befits a servant of Chehnsu.


Cuncidamus R̂idius reigned at Calpi from the 220th year before the end of the Ascendancy of Dragons until 996 of the Latter Era, at which time, he abdicated the throne in favor of the Catbalus, which he had founded to rule after him.

Divine Classification
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Disciple of Dragons
  • Founder of Calpi
  • R̂idius (monarch) of Calpi
  • Shieldbearer of Raqeq
  • Paladin in service of the Platinum Paladin
Date of Birth
9th of Shreens, 241 AscD
Year of Birth
241 AscD 1671 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Unknown, legends suggest the far west
Curly and brown, but short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, clean-shaven skin
5' 7"
165 lbs.
Known Languages

Ditincian, Calpian

Founded Settlements