Factor of the Faith
A Factor must be a Wibilbimum for at least ten years before being considered by the Peneimercat for a position as Factor. In practice, Factors often have served for around twice that long before being appointed to their posts.
A Factor is chosen by the Peneimercat to lead their local temple. The criteria of choice, outside of the requirement of service, are entirely at the discretion of the Peneimercat.
It is the duty of the Peneimercat to ensure that the people within the reach of their temple prosper economically. In practice, this ideal is rarely achieved.
A Factor of the Faith is responsible for the following:
- Day to day operation of the local Temple
- Officiating at their Temple's Divine Services on Years' End and Commitment Day
- Administering the local temple school for merchants and traders
- Interaction with the local city government to advocate for beneficial economic policies
- Examination and ordination of the Wibilbimum
The Factor keeps five percent of all revenues collected by their Temple. They may pass this wealth on to their heirs. More importantly, this wealth is measured in Conclave to determine the worthiness of each Factor to become the new Pereimercat when the old one passes away.
Grounds for Removal/Dismissal
The Pereimercat can dismiss any Factor of the Faith at any time for any reason. If they do so, however, they must pay the deposed Factor from their own personal wealth a sum equal to the entirety of revenues collected by the Factor's temple in the preceding year.