Khaghā Settlement in Kornax | World Anvil


Khaghā is the largest and most important city-state of the Rān minargs. It is an elective monarchy, rather than a hereditary one.


Khaghā is partially dug into the hills in which it lies. This offers superior protect against attacks from above. Entry into the city is only possible through one of two narrow tunnels eight feet wide, ten feet high and fourty feet in length, with stout bronze gates at either end. These features protect the city well against both dragon and giant, alike.

Industry & Trade

Khaghā imports many raw materials. It has no particular exports, but individuals from the various peoples of eastern Tunsaccia sometimes venture to the city to receive instruction from the settlement's renowned tutors.
Founding Date
826 LE
Related Ethnicities
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Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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