Sessions Two & Three: Fetching the Good Lady's Jewels Plot in Kornax | World Anvil

Sessions Two & Three: Fetching the Good Lady's Jewels

Plot points/Scenes

Kaldor's Trail

The Achers will quickly learn that Kaldor's trail has gone cold. He was seen departing the Siegegate on or around the 14th of Hashmear, but accounts will conflict as to what he did once he passed through the gate. One guard swears he hired a fisherman to take him out across Lake Stoacca. Another says he was gone for about a day, then went back into the city. A third says he went north along the road toward Dege. Still another says he heard a report that someone matching Kaldor's description was found slain on the road about a mile north of town. None of these supposed "leads" will pan out. All that is known is that Kaldor passed through the Siegegate on or around the 14th of the month.

Lady Etica Bapu

While the Achers are researching the leads concerning Kaldor, Etica Bapu will reach out to Drayh, asking him to come by her townhouse. Once he is there, she will be warm and welcoming to him.

I heard about how you and your companions helped Evbila retrieve whatever it was that she wanted.

She will let Drayh respond, then apparently pivot to another subject.

I must say, you're the first thjodanalfen I've ever seen. I've heard of your people before, of course, but I've never met one of you. How do you find the surface? Is it to your liking?

She will let Drayh answer and will then continue:

Is the food here to your taste? I imagine it must be very different from what you are accustomed to eating, is it not?

Again, she'll let him answer before continuing:

You know, I've always heard that your people struggle in direct sunlight. I imagine that must be very difficult for you.

She will let him respond again.

I might be able to help with that. I have this ring.
She will show a silver ring with a topaz stone.
My husband had it made for some of his . . . subjects. It gives them the ability to move about the surface under the sun unhindered. I could be persuaded to part with it. In return for a service, of course.

After Drayh has a chance to react, she will continue.

As it happens - and you may not be aware of this - I am the wife of Teruus Coubigus Occosu, The Second Awatcovus Occosu. He is obligated by his title to remain in Taadva with his kobold subjects. I found that distasteful, so once I had done my duty and born him an heir and a spare, why, I left. Iccim seemed an amenable place to settle so I have been here for the last eight years. Unfortunately, I left behind two of my favorite jewels, quite by accident. They are an emerald necklace and a tiara set with twelve small sapphires. I would like them back. It is, however nearly a two-month-long journey to Taadva and back, and I have no desire to make that trek myself. Here's my proposition. If you and your companions are able to journey to Taadva, retrieve my belongings from my husband, who should be willing to turn them over if you bear a sealed missive from me, and return back here, I will pay each of you 350 gold. AND, I will give YOU this ring. Such a journey will incur expenses, of course. I will also advance each of you 25 gp for expenses during your journey above and beyond your pay.

Presumably, Drayh will need to convince the rest of the party to undertake this adventure on Etica's behalf. It may be hard to convince the Achers to spend that kind of time. If the subject comes up, let it be known that skilled investigators could be hired to discover more leads, but that it will cost money (typically 3 gp per day, and a project like this is likely to require a month or more to run down new leads).

The Road to Taadva

The First Leg: Iccim to Schtu

The first three days will pass without incident and the party will arrive in Schtu at around 6 pm. In Schtu, they can have a warm bed and a hot meal.

The Second Leg: Schtu to Häff

On the fourth day out of Schtu, the party will have to ford the Hex River. This is a skill challenge with a starting DC of 14. Each success lowers the DC by 1, each failure raises it by 1. They need three successes before five failures. Complete failure means they lose a full day crossing the Hex, though they will eventually succeed. Otherwise, they lose no time.

On the seventh day out of Schtu, the party will encounter 5 elk, which they can attempt to hunt.

The party will arrive at Häff on the ninth day out of Schtu, at about ten in the morning. Here they can have a warm bed and a hot meal.

The Third Leg: Häff to Zorschlie

The passage from Häff to Zorschlie takes five days, but is uneventful. In Zorschlie, they can get a warm bed and a hot meal.

The Fourth Leg: Zorschlie to Taadva

On the fourth night out of Zorschlie, the party's camp will be approached by 3 goblins and 1 goblin boss. These are bandits (regular goblin stat block - Encounter: Goblin Bandits). Remember - no armor when you sleep. Goblins roll 25 on their stealth roll. Collectively, they have 54 cp and 28 sp, along with their weapons.

On the fifth day out of Zorschlie, the party will cross the Imnocus River. Nothing happens.

On the seventh day out of Zorschlie, the party is attacked by an Ankheg that bursts from the ground (Encounter: Ankheg Attack!).

On the tenth day out of Zorschlie, the party reaches Taadva.


As long as the characters present the sealed missive from Etica to the guards, they are allowed into the Vilataccamiwa (Kobold Fortress).

Teruus Coubigus will see the the party after making them wait an hour. He will assent to the request for the jewels without argument, but he is visibly impatient with Etica for insulting his honor and abandoning their daughters. However, while the conversation is ongoing, Terua Gamsoga, The Younger Occusu and her husband Wawacurus Peorouvus will enter. Gamsoga is enraged at her mother and is more than willing to take out her frustrations on the party. She will berate and belittle them viciously. If they don't react with hostility, she will eventually depart in a huff. If they become hostile, however, Pelorouvus will demand satisfaction and there will be a duel. The rules are to first blood. Coubigus will attempt to keep the peace right up to the point where Pelorouvus demands a duel, then he will be forced by honor to adjudicate the duel as fairly as possible.

Terua Gamsoga's Missive

In response to DeAth's offer, Gamsoga will meet the party at the gate of the Vilataccamiwa, presenting DeAth with a beautifully carved scroll case worth 10 gp. Inside, there is a sealed letter.

Deliver this to the woman who bore me and my sister. I'll not call her my mother. You may keep the scroll case as your payment.

Without another word, she turns on her heel and strides away. If the party reads the letter, they will find it to be a six page screed explaining - in detailed and frank language - exactly what Terua Gamsoga thinks of her mother, Lady Etica.

The Voyage Back to Iccim

The First Leg: Taadva to Zorschlie
Day One

The party comes across a group of hobgoblins (7 of them to be exact). Their leader is a female named Schpro. They're escorting an old female goblin trader with her hand cart to Taadva from Zorschlie. The trader's name is Gengchs (Encounter: Gengchs and her Escort). She has the following goods for sale:

  • 1 100 lb sack of salt (4 gp)
  • 1 lb of saffron (12 gp)
  • 2 20 yd bolts of linen cloth (80 gp/bolt)
  • 25lbs of copper ingots (4 sp/lb)
  • 3lbs of tin ingots (1 gp/lb)
  • 2 sets of smith's tools (16 gp/set)
  • 1 set of tinker's tools (40 gp/set)
  • 4 sets of dice (8cp/set)
  • 2 decks of playing cards (4sp/deck)
  • 4 wheels of Calpian cheese (8 lbs/wheel, 16 sp/wheel)
  • On the cart, Genchs keeps a locked strongbox (DC 12) with 107 gp, 24 sp, and 38 cp.

Day Two

The party encounters a swarm of insects (Encounter: Bugs).

Day Four

On the fourth day out of Taadva the party encounters an ancient cemetary. The gravestones are in draconic. They appear to be the graves of dragonborn slain in the Dragonwars. A DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) check will reveal a compartment in the base of one of the gravestones. Inside, there is a dagger +1, but disturbing it permanently reduces the offending character's Wisdom score by 1.

Day Eight

On the night of the eighth day out of Taadva, the party is attacked by a "flock" of 5 stirges (Encounter: Stirge Attack).

Day Ten

The party arrives in Zorschlie.

The Second Leg: Zorschlie to Häff
Day One

On the second watch of the day, the party will be attacked by a pair of griffons (Encounter: Hunting Griffons).

Day Four

Just before sunset, the party will see a bear in the distance. When it sees them, it will transform into Cengiccus Pompuwo, a human druid (Encounter: Cengiccus Pompuwo). He will be distrustful of the party, at first, but will share that there is unrest among the beasts of the mountains, if the party can win him over.

Day Five

The party will arrive in Häff at about two in the afternoon.

The Third Leg: Häff to Schtu
Day Three

The party will spot an eagle.

Day Five

On the fifth day out of Häff, the party once again must cross the Hex. Starting DC is only 12 now, but the challenge is otherwise the same.

Day Nine

On the ninth day out of Häff, the party arrives in Schtu.

The Final Leg: Schtu to Iccim
Day One

On the first day out of Schtu, the party is charged by a boar and a giant boar (Encouter: What a boar).

Third Day

On the third day out of Schtu, the party returns to Iccim, passing through the Goblingate.

Finishing the Job

The party will be paid as agreed (350 gp each). If DeAth delivers the letter from Gamsoga and the seal is undisturbed, she will grimace, but will pay DeAth an additional 10 gp for the service.

The party levels up to level 3.

Returning to the Boss

At the Preening Privy, the Boss will have the following information to offer.

I don't quite know what you all are up to, and I don't understand what this Kaldor is about, either. But a deal's a deal. I promised information, so I'll share what I learned.

First of all, "Kaldor" is not your quarry's real name. I'm not sure what it is, but I was able to learn that is jsut a frequently-used alias. It makes sense. It isn't a Calpian name, so it tends to stick in people's heads. Now, I told you the name of this group a little wrong. The right name is Carivum Ce. Anyway, that sigil you saw? That's the sigil of Bareccum Ianum, the blood mages of the order. They aren't nice people. I can tell you, Carivum Ce is protective of its secrets. I lost four of my people just to find out that Kaldor is an alias. I don't know what you're wrapped up in, but I suggest you drop it, while you still have breath. And on that note, this is our last meeting. I have to protect my people.

Completion Date
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