Tidebrother Rank/Title in Kornax | World Anvil


A Tidebrother (or Tidesister) is a common priest in the Lighthouse Assembly. They attend to most religious functions in the temples and shrines, subject to the direction of the Swell.


Must complete a minimum of five years as a Seachild, learning catechism, traditions, church law, etc.


Must be successfully examined by the Swell within three years of their year of majority. If they do not receive an examination, or are unable to pass an examination, within that time frame, they may never become Tidebrethren.


Upon successful examination, a Seachild spends a fortnight on the sea, within sight of land. They must survive with what they have brought with them and with whatever they can harvest from the sea. When they return to land, the Swell immediately carries out a ceremony of ordination, at the end of which, that person has become an ordained Tidebrother or Tidesister.


  • Officiate common religious ceremonies
  • Oversee maintenance and cleanliness of their local temple or shrine
  • Attend to the religious needs of their flock
  • See to the education of Seachildren in their care
Form of Address
Equates to
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Until promoted or retirement
Reports directly to
Related Organizations


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