Val'Dir Acher

Teruus Val'Dir Acher, Estiadus of the Westmarch

Val'Dir was a dragonborn wizard who lived in the 15th century of the Latter Era.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Val'dir was born into a clan of dragonborn known for their martial prowess and faith in their deity, the draconic demigod Chenzhou. As a child, unlike his twin brother, Val'dir preferred books over toy swords. He enjoyed staying inside to read, rather than exploring the adventures around their home like his brother did. Instead of becoming a paladin or a cleric, as expected by his clan, Val'dir chose to pursue knowledge and study arcane magic. Coming to age during the period of Calpian annexation, he became an apprentice at the Ancient and Venerable Library of the Imperium in Calpi.

During his shift as an apprentice watching over the library at night, Val'Dir was surprised by his fellow apprentice Kaldor's unexpected presence. As he inquired about Kaldor's presence, he was suddenly struck from behind. When he came to, he saw Kaldor and a group of masked individuals sneaking out with books from the library. Val'Dir noticed a symbol on the masked individuals' clothes, resembling an open hand with an eye shedding blood on the palm.

The following morning, it was discovered that the group had stolen all nine forbidden tomes from the library's vault. These tomes included powerful grimoires, forbidden knowledge, and even a cursed book of jokes that induced uncontrollable hysterical laughter in the reader. The librarian held Val'Dir accountable for the theft, as it occurred during his watch, and tasked him with recovering the stolen tomes. Left with no other option, Val'Dir sought assistance from his clan, only to discover that his twin brother, now a paladin, would be joining him on this daunting mission to reclaim the nine tomes.

His pursuit of the missing tomes led him into the Principality of Ritilia. There, he was involved in resolving the Bleeding in Suisbium, and in quelling the Ravager invasion during the Tilgūnite Uprising. In fact, it was the respose to the Uprising, that he traveled into the Cumbu Mountains with his companions (known popularly as the "Book Club"), where he met his end. He had recovered several of the books for the library by the time of his death, though his mission remained largely incomplete.


DeAth Molee Acher


Towards Val'Dir Acher


Val'Dir Acher


Towards DeAth Molee Acher


Date of Death
24th of Clictuns
1398 LE 1429 LE 31 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by the woebeast
Place of Death
Ruins of the Citadel of Daa, Cumbu Mts.
DeAth Molee Acher (Brother)


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