DeAth Molee Acher

Teruus DeAth Molee Acher, Estiadus of the Westmarch, Paladin of Acher, the Lost and Redeemed

Teruus DeAth Molee Acher was an Estiadus of the Westmarch in Ritilia and a Paladin of Acher. He was instrumental in the death of Hënso, a senior commander in the Glorious Dragonarmy, who was the guiding force behind the persecution and hunting of the Paladins following the establishment of the Divinity of Rogiq.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

DeAth followed in the clan business, joining the Paladins of Acher when he came of age. For years, he served in Rozga.

In 1428 LE, however, DeAth's brother Val'Dir, who had followed a different path, lost ten books while guarding the restricted vault of the Ancient and Venerable Library of the Imperium in Calpi. Val'Dir undertook the task of retrieving the lost tomes, and DeAth was sent to aid him in this endeavor.

The brothers' path led them to the Principality of Ritilia, specifically to the city of Iccim, where they undertook a mission that saw them recover one of the books, the name of which is a secret kept from all save the Venerable Librarians, in return for a service to an elderly noblewoman. From there, they learned of a member of the human nobility in the city of Suisbium, who had laughed himself to death.

Realizing this was likely a clue to a second of the lost tomes, the brothers set out to Suisbium, where they investigated the death of Baterus Cucculubus Eitasibabum, an Iscina (Prince) of Ritilia and the Younger (Heir) of Stoacca. As expected, they learned that Cucculubus had died as the result of reading one of the forbidden tomes. They retrieved the tome from his widow, Baterua Conreluva Banuac, Iscina of Ritilia and the Awatcova of the Westmarch. While there, they were trapped by the Bleeding and helped stem the tide of that disastrous plague.

Along with their companions, the brothers then made their way to Evtuet, the seat of the Westmarch, where they aided the Awatcova in turning aside an invasion at the hands of the Ravagers, a pillaging band of followers of the vile goddess of pain and torture called Tilgūn, for which they were each granted the title of Estiatus of the Westmarch.

On the heels of that adventure, they helped drive away Dion, the Jade Knight, when he raised a mountain from the plain near Evtuet, giving the newly formed massif - Mount Salcaubus Purubum - its name.

The brothers' companion, a celerman monk named Hip Pocrates, who had dedicated herself to Glovia during the Bleeding in Suisbium, was commanded by her goddess to seek out the Dolorous Rapture, Tilgūn's loathsome priesthood. The group ventured into the Cumbu Mountains where DeAth's brother Val'Dir was slain by a hideous monster of Tilgūn's creation called the Woebeast.

As can be imagined, Val'Dir's death affected DeAth profoundly. Once the mission in the mountains was complete, DeAth set out on the task of returning his fallen brother's body to the family for proper burial. In the company of his companions he set out accross the subcontinent of Tusaccia. Shortly after leaving the city of Ceic, however, they encountered Bater̂us Ibbus Bir̂ilr̂amus Cawulus, the Utepavir of Rozga fleeing southward with a mere two centuries of legionnaires - all that remained of the imperial garrison in Rozga. They learned that the Cult of Rogiq had risen to power, seemingly overnight, and seized power in the name of the Scheming Maws. They fought the legion, soundly defeating them and driving the remnant into retreat.

DeAth commending the body of Val'Dir into Ibbus' care and continued northward with his companions, discovering in Rozga a horrific circumstance. The Paladins of Acher were driven out of the city, living as hunted guerilla warriors in the Tiseiar Mountains. Fully half the populace of the city seemed under the mental control of Rogiq, herself. DeAth's family was scattered - his youngest brother and sister living as near beggars just outside the city walls, his parents missing, and his uncle and other sister known to have fled to the Paladins' hidden base in the mountains.

DeAth worked to discover if the psychic control of the populace could be affected by distance from the city, and to that end, he captured one of those under Rogiq's control, intending to bring them out of the city and discover whether the control would fade with distance. Through a series of unfortunate events, DeAth fell from his oath and killed his prisoner.

DeAth and his companions, having learned the probable location of the Paladins' base, set out into the mountains and eventually found the site. There, he met with Khïrloorn Sadvu, the High Paladin of Chenzhou, who spoke of DeAth's fall, but offered him a path of redemption - find the black half-dragon woman named Hënso who was so effectively hunting the Paladins, and kill her.

DeAth and his companions set out to Hënso's encampment, where they slew the Rogiqite commander. Unfortunately, during the escape from the encampment, DeAth died in the melee, fighting against a wyvern.


DeAth Molee Acher


Towards Val'Dir Acher


Val'Dir Acher


Towards DeAth Molee Acher


Date of Death
25th of Shraksik
1398 LE 1430 LE 32 years old
Circumstances of Death
Slain while escaping the encampment after executing a strike against Hënso, a brilliant commander of the Glorious Dragonarmy who had been hunting the Paladins of Acher.
Place of Death
Encampment of Hënso, Tiseiar Mountains
Val'Dir Acher (Brother)
Aligned Organization


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