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Graylist is one of the few countries in Europe with no official religion. They prefer to stay outside of the troubles of religion, but in efforts to stay out of things Graylist tends to stand out even more. They are best known for one of a kind sword fighting tectnits, in witch they train hawks to fight side by side with swordsmen. In the modern era they trained hawks to wield guns and throw bombs.   Graylist has mulitpul very distinct States in its country. As those states used to be separate countries that came together, safety in numbers after all. the country is prideful about how well they been able to stand apart for the religious deboctals that have all ways been around in erupe. Tho some of the States with in Graylist still practice a religion behind closed doors. Many of the laws in Graylist are quite strict about practicing religion.


Graylist is home to a lot of active people. Hiking, Swimming, Fishing and just about every other outdoor hobby is a big part of life in Graylist.  Rather then having a religion that follows a god the people here reviver nature in that way. People here have all ways strive for a eco friendly lifestyle, the only time that is not the cast... is hawk training. As people often train their hawks to wiled guns, bombs, and even wands. Hawk training is a huge, there are many stadiums, and training grounds around the country.

Demography and Population

89% Human   11% Half-Koroblin   Some Areas in Graylist count Hawks in there population stats, as they believe that Hawks are much like Humblins being more then just animals. Some Hawks have even been trained to speak, sometimes thise birds have learned how to speak on their own.


Many being Druids there army is really one of a kind in the world.


They are fully against Religion in there country. Seeing it as something that only divides people. It's a much more simple life to not worry about the gods.

Foreign Relations

Graylist dosent care much for the trobles of other countries. Graylist hardly comes to the aid of other, the rare time they do is a sign that something serious is going on. Most counties have a neutral feeling of Graylist, this feelings goes both way. But Graylist dose quitly judge highly religious countries.

Flag Vexillology

Graylist Flag is the Family crest of the founding monarchy of the country.

"The Wings Of Hope"

Official Langue: European Common
Alternative Names
The Flock
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Economic System
Market economy
Graylist has many historal ruins across of it's landspaces, From temples to the mysterious burried city of Quardor-Nah. There is also notable mountains and forest, with some of them having magical properties that are not often seen in the rest of Europe.
Talons: Paper money that depicts different kinds of birds from the country on one side. And the other side shows famous birds and there trainer's from history.
Major Exports
Tiny weapons, Pearls, Fine Stones, mined goods.
Neighboring Nations
Related Species



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