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Paygull would like to say that it once ruled the world. Taking over countries and taking there relics, but being a small island country its greed lead to its fall. Paygull is now seen as a disgrace, a greedy kingdom that fell on its own weight. It's all ways had a rivalry with Briland, both trying to out shine the other. Now making Paygull a country that would be easy to forget if it wasnt for what Payugll had done in the past.    The islands its self are own for its magical water currents that feed magic into the islands. Most known for "La Mistica Islands" a group of islands filed with magic and danger. one of the Mistica island's are own for its people there who do not speak Gullen but rather use "Tap Langue" Many magical plants grow in Paygull. with such high levels of magic, going to school to learm magic is the number one adults do in Paygull. Skills out side of magic are seen as lesser.


Paygull has a loud and playful culture. There clothes tend to be astymeical and desgined for easy of movemnt and comfornt in the Paygull heat. Paygull's food tends to be fatty and spicey, And rarely severed hot, as they let the food to cool before servering.  Paygull also have a very driffrent view of gender and sex then the countries around them. As in Paygull they have two genders, Not male and female. But Alive and Dead. Their langude is gendered, so every item and word is divied to Alive and dead. As you can guess, Those of Paygull really hate/ do not understand The undead.


Paygull has a long history of stealing from other countries. And not just gold or art, But whole temples, and other buildings. Using a magical spell that takes tens of highly skilled casters to use. A spell that teleported buildings back to paygull. It wasnt untill the 1850's that people where able to give those stolen buildings back.

Demography and Population

Paygull dose not reconize the people of Mistica to be real citzines of paygull and it is unknown how many of those people there is.

Mythology & Lore

Paygull belives that a long forgotton god of magic died where they island of Paygull is now. Over the years the god's body truned into the island. And is why the island is so full of magic.

Flag Vexillology

  The light and dark Purple strips show alliment people have to their country. The center Golden sun, show how chosen Paygull bevies themselves to be. The two 'strings' of golden circles with that plus sign shape, are symbols of all the gold and riches Paygull has.The Plus sign shape is the simple of the forgtton God Paygull belives use to exist.

"The only Shining Sun"

Official Langue: European Common, Gullen
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Economic System
Market economy
Gold: Golden coins that have number that show how much its worth. Note in the modern era, these coins are only gold colored and not gold itself.
Neighboring Nations
Related Species

Friendly Rivalry


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