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Seen as the first country where Humans and Koroblins where able to live peaceful together. many dont know excially when the humans and Koroblins here first started to live togreather but it seems to be hundress maybe thoundthis of years ago. Many of the Koroblins who live here look so human that outsiders have a hard time telling Koroblins and humans aprart. Infact in Sufin Half Koroblins have the chose to idifine themselves as Koroblin, Human, Or half Koroblin on their paperwork. Sufin have the most freedom and safety nets for those who are mixed spices, and even for mixed marriges.    Sunfin's land is mainly hot and sandy. But it's moutains are a little more lush, with plants and animals who live in high elevtion and aird lands. It's not a easy place to live but the people here are crafty and have made their own lay of life.  Sufin Has a deep culuter and history because of this.


Sufin people dress very modestly, Those who are higher put in the leadership of their temples wear trasparent vails to cover their eyes. Only removing these vails while give speaches about their god, or durring prayer. Sufin Food is heavely seasoned, and oven boiled or baked for a long time. They really aperiate layered foods that chage falvor as you eat the meal. Sufin also eat mainly in gourp meals where people in towns grather togreather and share what they brought to eat with all. Sense Sufin eat useing their hands and a pice of flat bread in another hand. Durring group meals Koroblins with Claws help cut meat for those who do not have the claws to do so. It's a grand sign of respect and love to do so from both peopel invloed.


Sufin has a lot of land and many people with in it is happy with there country. But many people from other countries have been planing on moving to the more lush and living parts of sufin to start there own country. Sufin has tried very hard to keep out those types of people. People are welcomed to move into Sufin but Taking over it's land and taking away it's culuter is another.  Many in Sufin have chosin their self to protect their homeland.

Mythology & Lore

The people of Sufin belive that this is where Hemblin came into godhood, Beliveing that the reason why their land is so arid, that that to make a god takes a lot of engery. And that it is worth to live in a harsh land to be closer to their god.  People of Sufin often spend time trying to get other followers of Hemblin to Follow the same way they do.

Flag Vexillology

  The red background shows the blood of the humans who live there, while the black waves show teh contection that Koroblins have to humans. The two shapes on the edges are the eyes of their god watching down on them. The triangle in the middle shows the coutnries and cities that they have built togreather witch makes Their god proud. The three shapes coming out of the center triangle are Human, Kororlbins and Half Koroblins working togreather.

"Where Black and Red Meets"

Alternative Names
"The marron mountains"
Government System
Democracy, Presidential
Yarish- Small oval coins that have a simple desgin with just the number they are worth.
Neighboring Nations


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