The Quaren People.
The Quaren People are starting to build cities all most as grand as Velika, almost... but most of these lands are smaller villages that are still more tribal. It's Clear that there isnt just one kind of Quaren people, but this area do have people that tend to be similar.
They Follow a strange new God named Cuerso, this God seem to inspire these people to be violent. There skin tone varies but they tend to be pale. They often paint there faces with all kinds of colors to intimated others. There clothing tends to be ripped, as they don't care to fix things that break, and rather use it till it can no longer be used.
dangerous there lands is, from monsters, bears, Demons, And people who want to take over there land. It's a hard life. druids
Gender Ideals
Quaren people dont believe that gender is a thing. No matter your sex your expected to do the same things as everyone else. There is no gender roles.
Relationship Ideals
People who fight well side by side tend to get Married, If you get married it's expected that if your partner dies you'll be buried too...
Diverged ethnicities
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