The Rest of the universe was there, it was there for a long long time.
History of the original timeline
The Rest of the universe was there, it was there for a long long time.
The Elder God Has Lost enough followers to no longer be a major god...
A dangerous sickness that killed many in Europe and Asia
Humans and Koroblins never liked each other Dangerous Blood Pelage starting in Europe hate grew even more. But the War started over who owns Ayak. (A island in Africa) But was quickly spun into a Blood War. Where it was Blood type vs Blood type. Most countries stay extremely separated by blood color. the only one that was even a little bit united was the U.S.A
A Era of time where little to no info is known of. Both Human and Koroblin history was not kept, Strangely enough those who where alive in the year 2000 but where born in 1999 or before have completely forgot what happened. And what ever happened fix this missing span of time and made history and time recorded again is unknown.
The once huge U.S.A was left with just one city, L.A Witch became fully populated with humans, whom aren't allowed to leave the city.
With out her in the world, who knows whats going to happen