History of Koss

Age of Mortals

1 Mortals and beyond

The age that began when the gods ascended to the heavens, leaving the primary care of the world to the mortals.

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    The Founding of the First Polis
    Religious event

    On this day, the gods ascended to their heavens, beginning the Age of Mortals. As a parting gift, the goddess Pola left behind a golden city, a paradise for the mortals to help them survive without the oversight of the gods. This was the First Polis.

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    Founding of Vas

    Timotheus and his army defeat Zole and a host of spirits, earning him the favor of the God of Warfare. He is granted the sword Lepoas and the shield Aspaitos, and in his triumph founds the polis of Vas.

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    Isadora's Disappearance
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Isadora of the Praxillid, Vasili of the city-state of Vas is last seen leaving the port of Cherianto on the evening of Hero's Day. Her newborn son, Aristion, goes on to become the youngest Vasili in history.

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    Minisession 2 - Escape from Limpani

    Three adventurers from different walks of life join forces to escape a slew of threats stemming from an increasingly hostile city.

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    Minisession 1: We Didn't Start the Fire

    Smoke on the horizon draws a pair of adventurers into a mystery that will change the course of both of their lives.

    Session Report
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