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Southwestern Blackrock Watchpost

The southwestern blackrock watchpost, more commonly called the lonely watchtower garrison, is part of the blackrock greatfortress' fortificationnetwork and serves as a forward observation post. Located high up in the blackrock mountainrange, near the ubodian-pass, these towers survey the enterence to Ubos. The watchpost is staffed and maintained by troops of the ubodian signal regiment of the imperial crown forces.


The watchpost is equiped with remotuscopes, vastly improving the spotting capabilities of the towers. Should the sentiels spott an encroching hostile army or see the signal fires of the ubodian gate lit, they are to light the signal fire to inform the blackrock greatfortress and other signal towers of ubos.


The southwestern blackrock watchpost is dependent on the supply-shipments that are sent through the tunnels of the blackrock mountainrange and happen every 3 months. While the stores of the watchpost would last the garrisoned troops twice as long, it is also important for morale, since it is the only contact they have to the outside world, despite being able to see the busteling traderoutes of Ubos, from thier posts.


The watchpost is constructed from strudy blackrock bricks, the same rock that are name-giving to the blackrock mountainrange, which the watchpost is located in and that are ubiquitous throughout Ubos.


The Southwestern Blackrock Watchpost lies high up in the southwestern fringe of the ubodian blackrock mountainrange. The steep cliffwalls hunderts of meters high and quite a strech of the very dangerous Omyhx Thicket in front, make the watchtowers inaccessible from any other route than the seemingly endless tunnels that connects the outpost with the blackrock greatfortress. This isolation has earned the outpost the name 'lonely watchtower garrison'.
Alternative Name(s)
Lonely watchtower garrison
Outpost / Base
Location under
Owning Organization


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