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Florence Galeno

Florence is the Aristocrat of the Galeno family within Cnidaria. She runs the Gyre Clade. Florence stands as a formidable figure in the Cnidaria, considered one of the best Clade leaders to grace Vedalken history. She is married to Cairo Xanderreef, however holds her own without the need for his name or power. Florence adheres strictly to her own set of rules and beliefs within the law, often at the expense of others. An extremist by nature, she subscribes to the philosophy of survival of the fittest and harbors a pro-cataclysm viewpoint, seeing such events as necessary for weeding out the weak and fortifying the strong. Her cold, calculating demeanor and authoritarian approach make her a formidable presence in the political and military spheres of Vedalken society.


Florence’s role in the Guardian Project involves utilising all forms of magic, pushing ethical boundaries to achieve her objectives. She focuses on creating soldiers capable of surviving another cataclysm and confronting any threats to Vedalken society, including powerful mages. Her experiments are brutal and unforgiving, reflecting her belief in the necessity of harsh measures for the greater good. She aims to produce super soldiers with unmatched resilience and combat prowess, ensuring Vedalken dominance in times of crisis.


With a cold exterior, Florence is highly intelligent and strategic. She is a master manipulator, adept at navigating the complex landscapes within politics and war. Her interactions with others are often marked by a chilling precision, as she assesses their weaknesses and exploits them to further her goals. Florence's authoritarian nature makes her a demanding leader, expecting absolute loyalty and competence from those under her command. Her subordinates often fear her, knowing that failure or perceived weakness could result in severe consequences. It is not unheard of for those who dissapoint her to willingly sign themselves over as volunteers to work with her more horrific experiments, rather than face her directly.

Florence's personality is further defined by her disdain for all vulnerabiltiy, especially emotional vulnerability. She sees emotions as a weakness to be exploited, not indulged. This outlook extends to her relationship with her son, Alpheidae, whom she largely ignored during his upbringing. Florence's focus was always on her work and her vision for Vedalken society, leaving little room for personal connections.


In terms of mannerisms, Florence is meticulous and methodical. She often speaks in a measured, almost clinical tone, conveying a sense of control and authority. Her gaze is penetrating, making those who interact with her feel scrutinised and judged. Florence rarely shows outward signs of emotion, maintaining a composed and impassive demeanor even in the face of adversity. This stoicism is both a strength and a shield, allowing her to maintain her ruthless image and suppress any internal doubts or fears.


Florence is distinguished by not only her personality but her appearance. She lacks the four-armed mutation, instead possessing a pair of advanced prosthetic arms that enhance her capabilities. Her body tells the tale of her harrowing past; before her son's rumored death, her face was intact, but now half of it is marred by scars. These scars, rumored to be inflicted by her son, Alpheidae. A large, jagged scar runs across her neck, adorned with teeth marks, while a massive claw mark extends from the top of her head to her neck on the left side of her face - this means she is missing half her face. Her damaged eye has been replaced with an artificial one, and she has adorned the edges of her scars with scales similar to Cairo's.[/p  

Florence's dedication to her ideals is unwavering, and she is willing to go to any lengths to achieve her vision of a strong, resilient Vedalken society. Her experiments and political maneuvers reflect her belief that only the strong deserve to survive and thrive. This extremist viewpoint often puts her at odds with other members of Vedalken society. She has some tension with the Dargonesti too, viewing them as savage animals due to her upbringing and Dimernesti blood.


Florence Galeno


Towards Cairo Xanderreef


Cairo Xanderreef


Towards Florence Galeno



It is widely known that Florence's marriage to Cairo Xanderreef began as a business arrangement, primarily to produce an heir. She frequently views him as weak. Her ultimate goal is to see him fall and usurp him, even as she engages in horrific experiments to create super soldiers for the Guardian Project. The two are well of aware of her intentions, everyone is, just Cairo can't be bothered to deal with it.

Current Location
Date of Birth
66 BC
Cairo Xanderreef (Husband)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Founded Settlements

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