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Speaker of Spirits (Cnidaria)

The ‘Speaker of Spirits’, so named so because the individual who holds it can communicate and harness the spirits of nature that roam Krynn. These spirits are consulted when the Vedalkens make major plans, as they believe the spirits hold the most power and wisdom. They are seen as a force that can guide the Vedalkens and their endeavours. The title is hereditary, being exclusive to the royal bloodline - The Xanderreefs. The spirits are contacted and tracked through a horoscope artefact that the first recorded member of the royal bloodline: The Xanderreefs. Exceptions can be made if the Xanderreef’s lose the ability, however. In this case, the aristocrats will elect the ‘Speaker of Spirits’ by consensus, the candidate usually being an individual who has done great deeds for the Clades. They will be gifted an artificial way to communicate with spirits, until the Xanderreefs loss of abilities is resolved. As of now, Cairo Xanderreef acts as the ‘Speaker of Spirits’.

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