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The city of the Blue Sun, Kalakanaeka is considered to be the shining jewel of Eskar and one of the magical capitals of all of Kyyir. Currently the capital of the disputed Lunar Kingdom of Eskar, Kalakanaeka has served as epicenter of the Eclipsian Movement and the rise of The Eclipsian Army. Kalakanaeka is home to the mysterious Astral Pyre, a strange magical artifact that transforms the sun to a deep blue hue while one is within the city. This enduring mystery has attracted countless arcane researchers over the centuries the city has existed. This attraction has caused countless arcane research societies and businesses to form, causing the city to balloon in size to the metropolis it is today.


Currently, Kalakanaeka is ruled by Queen Luvara of the The Eclipsian Army. The city functions as a benevolent monarchy that is led by a city council that operates day to day activities. The Queen still maintains veto power over the Kalakanaekan Council of Ailiv. The city council is composed of local leaders of prominent organizations within the city. The local Council of Ailiv delegates laws and maintains authority over the Kalakanaeka City Guard. The official chair of the Kalakanaekan Council of Ailiv is a woman by the name of Lisette Varis, and leads the city and sets local policy.   While the Council of Ailiv directly sets city policy, Kalakanaeka is also under the jurisdiction of the Council of Eonus, the national legislative council of the disputed Lunar Kingdom of Eskar. Policy enacted by the Council of Eonus supercedes that of the local Council of Ailiv. To qualify for office one must own property within Kalakanaeka, be a member of The Temple of the Moonlord, and be recommended to the position by the local temple leaders. Appointed council members serve terms of 10 years, serving a maximum of 5 terms before being forced to retire.

Industry & Trade

Magical item manufacturing and stone are the largest components of the economy of Kalakanaeka. Research organizations within Kalakanaeka such as The Order of the Azure Flame, The Society of the Arcane Soul and the now defunct Whisperers of the Akashic Record manufacture and sell magical items to fund their personal research efforts. Local businesses within Kalakanaeka often sell generic magical items to other cities within Eskar and with other nations to bolster their own military efforts. Magical siege weaponry and defenses make up the majority of the purchases from other nations. The Blackrock Quarry contributes a large amount of the stone used to manufacture buildings all throughout southwestern Kyyir   Owing to the strong magical presence within Kalakanaeka, a sizeable proportion of imports come from other arcane universities and resarch institutions, notably from The Empire of Brelia and The Sacrosanct of Andsaca. These imports are often specialized material components for spellcasting and experimentation. Raw materials for metals manufacturing are rarely found within the area around Kalakanaeka, causing the city to rely heavily upon imports from village mines near the Thundercrag Mountains and iron-rich Lomore.


Kalakanaeka is a central hub for stoneworking and magical item manufacturing. The Blackrock Quarry is located a few miles to the southwest of the city and contributes a large portion of the city's stone and building materials. The stone recovered from the quarry makes up the vast majority of the stone buildings, roads, and statues within the city. The quarry has been mined from since 6422, and has grown impossibly large and deep as a result. The oldest stone mined from the Blackrock Quarry has been cut and laid surrounding the Astral Pyre, making up Lumiosa Square. Lumiosa square is composed of stone ornately carved to depict each of Nesapus' moons in each one of their stages.

Guilds and Factions

The politics of arcane research organizations dominate the area in and around Kalakanaeka. The Whisperers of the Akashic Record, The Society of the Arcane Soul, and The Attuned Harmonizers all actively attempt to undermine the other as they compete for grants from the governing body of Kalakanaeka, the local council of Ailiv. The leaders of each organization make routine trips to Castle Lumos to present their findings and argue for more funds to achieve arcane breakthroughs.
Founding Date
Circa 6000
Alternative Name(s)
The Land of the Blue Sun
Inhabitant Demonym
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Ruling/Owning Rank
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