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Queen Luvara Eskahn

Queen Luvara Eskahn (a.k.a. The Moon Queen)

The proclaimed Queen of the Nation of Eskar and heir to the Eclipsian Monarchy, Queen Luvara leads The Eclipsian Army waging a war of independence from the now defunct Noble Commonwealth of Eskar. Possessing extremely potent magical capabilities and claiming to hail from the Eclipsian Royal Family Lineage, Luvara claims to have been granted her powers from The Moonlord, the patron deity of the Eclipsian line. Currently collaborating with The Red Sun Legion to defend against the invasion of the Steppes of Apros and The Dominon of Gascil, she hopes to rally the Eskarian people to her cause and re-establish the Eclipsian Monarchy with her as the reigning monarch.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Luvara is of a medium build and height with a modest level of fitness. She is currently several months pregnant with twins, but has yet to actively show signs of pregnancy. Luvara is afflicted with some form of spinal abnormality, giving her a slight slouch when she stands.

Special abilities

Following her official coronation ceremony and the adornment of The Veil of the Eclipse, The Moonlord bestowed upon Luvara powers over the Astral Plane and magic. Luvara is capable of opening a small rift in the Astral Plane to amplify her spellcasting power. This ability allows Luvara to effortlessly spellcast at a heightened power. Additionally, Luvara is capable of stopping time in an immediate area around her as well. These powers are courtesy of the favor of the Moonlord, and may be revoked if Luvara proves unfit for The Eclipsian Throne.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Queen Luvara was born in the Eskarian capital of Ithanalca to Luniva Eskahn and Vandro Univalo. Luniva was the sister to the current Eskarian King, King Lumalus III and was contemptuous of his perceived laziness and lack of initiative. Luniva identified potent magical talent within Luvara at a young age and sent her to Kalakanaeka to hone her natural abilities. Due to this isolated upbringing, Luvara struggled to connect much with her family, becoming more socially isolated and withdrawn. Luvara was educated in the arcane arts by Kinseldi the Evoker, a powerful and widely respected wizard. Luvara forged a bond with Kinseldi that had never been formed back at home with her family and opted to live among the Whisperers of the Akashic Record, deepening her understanding of magic and its inner workings. During her studies Luvara met Ulendil Silverblade an acolyte of The Temple of the Moonlord and soon began a romantic relationship with him despite her family's wishes. Through this relationship Luvara developed a deeper understanding of The Moonlord and her family's lineage and heritage. Following the destruction of Ithanalca and the beginning of the Eskarian Cataclysm, Luvara received a vivid vision of her sitting upon a throne overlooking the Astral Pyre of Kalakanaeka. Her hair transformed from a dark brown to a shimmering silver and her eyes took on a purple hue. Seeing this as a sign from The Moonlord themselves, Luvara vowed to ascend the The Eclipsian Throne, usurping her deceased uncle and leading Eskar into a new age from which the rightful mandate of The Moonlord is fulfilled.


Luvara received her education in Kalakanaeka under the tutalage of Kinseldi the Evoker. Kinseldi taught Luvara the intricacies of magic and its innate properties, allowing her to develop her skills as a spellcaster. Luvara was also educated in philosophy via the Temple of the Moonlord, developing a deep understanding of The Moonlord's mandates and doctrines. Luvara was born with a magical bloodline, and is thus a sorcerer by training. As a result, she demonstrates a keen understanding of magical concepts without much effort.

Intellectual Characteristics

Luvara is highly intelligent and articulate owing to her extensive education in Kalakanaeka. Pragmatic and calculating, Luvara has a very logical and straightforward way of thinking, often unnerving those that aren't accustomed to it. She speaks very deliberately and carefully chooses each word she speaks to perfectly match her meaning. To outside observers she may come off as unintelligent or ignoring a conversation, as she often contemplates for several seconds before providing a response in a discussion. Luvara is highly educated in manners related to arcane magic, religious beliefs, and Eskarian history. Additionally, Luvara dedicates a large portion of her time reading and interpreting the Mandate of the Moonlord and applying it in her day to day rule.

Morality & Philosophy

Queen Luvara adheres as close as possible to the Mandate of the Moonlord, the decree from which The Moonlord requires its followers to follow. While this document provides a blueprint for how Eclipsian Monarchs shuld rule, the interpretation of this document has ebbed and flowed over time, usually adapting to the material conditions of the time. The case with Luvara is no different. Luvara strongly believes in Eskarian independence from The Empire of Brelia and the establishment of The Lunar Kingdom of Eskar. Luvara's ancestors claimed dominion of all of Eskar for many generations and cultivated a deep bond with their people and culture as a result. Consequently, Luvara believes in a strongly isolationist Eskar that prioritizes the needs of the Eskarian people above all others. During her rule she plans on ruling with a utilitarian mindset, prioritizing fulfilling the basic needs of her people and ensuring their approval. Luvara in principle believes in freedom in government on a local level with limits. To Luvara, The Moonlord and Eskar are co-dependent upon one another, and one can't exist without the other. The mandates and decrees of The Moonlord are always intended to further the goals and success of the Eskarian people, deepening their faith in them. Any movement opposed to the mandate of The Moonlord, democratic or otherwise, is a direct threat to Eskar as a nation and should be strongly opposed.
Current Status
Currently leading the Eclipsian Army against the invasion of the Steppes of Apros and the Dominion of Gascil
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
38th of Libe
The Jade Palace, Ithanalca, Noble Commonwealth of Eskar
Current Residence
Castle Lumos, Kalakanaeka
Exceptionally Long and Silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
The Moonlord
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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