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Lunar Monarch of Eskar

The title given to the leading member of Noble House Eskahn, those that hold this title are granted divine authority to rule over the entirety of the nation of Eskar. Virtually defunct for decades, the title has again gained some sense of authority following the rise of The Eclipsian Army and the proclamation of Queen Luvara Eskahn as Eskar's rightful monarch.


To become the Monarch of Eskar, they must be next in the line of succession of the previous monarch. Traditionally, the title of monarch is passed down to the first-born child of the previous monarch. If the first-born child of the monarch is an identical twin, each twin is crowned as co-monarchs of Eskar. If the previous monarch possessed no childen, the title shall instead be conferred to the monarch's siblings if they have any. If no siblings exist, then the title shall be granted to the closest living relative of the previous monarch. No age requirement exists for the monarchy, with children as young as 8 years old being granted the title.   While the circumstances are exceptionally rare, The Eskarian Monarch has been ruled by two sets of identical twins, The Tidal Queens, and Ailiv and Eonus. Due to the tulmultuous times each set of twins ruled, the birth of twin heirs to the throne are a strong sign of massive change within the monarchy or the nation as a whole.


Legally, the Monarch of Eskar receives their title immediately following the death of the previous monarch. An official crowning ceremony is hosted within a month of the succession of the new Monarch of Eskar. Traditionally, the monarch is crowned within the Jade Palace in Ithanalca. The ceremony is overseen by the Lunar Seer of the Temple of the Moonlord. Acting as the arbiter between the prospective monarch and The Moonlord, the Lunar Seer reiterates the Mandate of the Moonlord. The prospective monarch then pledges to adhere to the mandate and fulfill the will of The Moonlord to the best of their ability. Following the oath, the Lunar Seer produces the Veil of the Eclipse, an ancient veil worn by the first King of Eskar themselves. This veil bestows upon its wearer untold strength and prowess courtesy of The Moonlord if they are deemed worthy to hold the title as monarch of Eskar. If The Moonlord doesn't deem the prospective monarch worthy (usually by holding conflicting moral values) then the veil will not grant the monarch any powers. Incidences such as these are seen as disqualifying for the prospective monarch's title and the process for a successor is resumed for a suitable replacement.   Following the destruction of Ithanalca and consequent destruction of the Jade Palace, the most recent coronation ceremony of Queen Luvara took place within the city of Kalakanaeka in the newly constructed Castle Lumos. While the Veil of the Eclipse was thought lost in Ithanalca's destruction, Luvara and The Eclipsian Army were able to recover the veil for use in her coronation ceremony.


The monarch is obligated to protect the people of Eskar from outside harms and to adhere to the Mandate of the Moonlord. Traditionally, the monarch of Eskar leads the armed forces of their nation in the event of conflict or war. A failure to adhere to these principles threatens the revokation of the monarch's powers by The Moonlord themselves. Queen Luvara issued a new royal decree following her coronation, dubbed the Full Moon Doctrine. This decree states that the whole of Eskar is to be its own sovereign nation, under the control of no other nation than itself. Eskar must be free of the foreign influences of other nations for they compromise the Mandate of the Moonlord and threaten the stability of the region, dooming Eskar to endless cycles of suffering and strife.


The monarch of Eskar has the ability to regulate economic policy, conduct diplomatic relations, and manage the nation's military. To better delegate these tasks, the Monarch appoints the Council of Eonus to manage the nation's day to day affairs. Additionally, the monarch appoints a Provincial Baron to each cultural province so they may form a local Council of Ailiv to manage the individual needs of that province. Diplomatic relations are dictated by the ruling monarch and a select group of Royal Emissaries drafting terms for trade relations, diplomatic treaties, and the writing and issuences of public decrees. Additionally, the ruling monarch appoints Chief Brigadiers to lead the army groups of the Eskarian military and defend her against her enemies.
Nobility, Hereditary
The Mandate of the Moonlord
Form of Address
His/Her Majesty
Alternative Naming
The Moon King/Queen
Equates to
At the height of its power, the monarch of Eskar was granted the same powers as the King of Raum, the Grand Viceroy of the Royal Governance of Valefor, and The Conservator of Brelia. In its ceremonial state, the monarch was merely a cermonial figure, holding only cultural power over the people of Eskar
Source of Authority
The Moonlord bestows upon the Eclipsian Monarchy the power to rule the people of Eskar
Length of Term
First Holder
Current Holders
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