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The Eclipsian Army

The Legion of the Moon Queen

Born from the collapse of the Kalistradian Government of Eskar, the Eclipsian Army serves Queen Luvara and fights for the unification of the Eskarian State under her rule. Having once been ruled by the Eclipsian Royal Family, the army was reformed following the destruction of Eskar's previous capital, Ithanalca. Loosely organized and without much formal training, the Eclipsian Army owes much of its strength to the leadership of Queen Luvara and the near-limitless magical resources of Kalakanaeka. Through these factors and a rapidly industrializing and organizing military force, the Eclipsian Army has proven to be suprisingly competent combatants in the Eskarian Cataclysm.


The ruling monarch of the Eclipsian Line serves as the leading commander of the Eclipsian Army. The core of the army is seperated into large segments known as Brigades. A brigade is led by a Chief Brigadier that executes the objectives set out by the leading commander. A brigade is generally comprised of 2,000 soldiers. Brigades are then broken up into dispatches which are often assigned to particular points of interest or objectives. Dispatches comprise from as little as 150 warriors to upwards of 750 in some areas depending on the importance of the location they are sent to. Dispatches of 300 or fewer soldiers are often under the command of a sergeant or captain that has shown distinguished competence in battle and leadership. Dispatches of 300-500 soldiers are led by Warlords, warriors specializing in battlefield tactics and leadership. Dispatches of 500 soldiers or greater are led by Taskmasters, soldiers trained in special tactics and logistics within Kalakanaeka. Taskmasters are often assigned to larger cities to coordinate larger scale military operations such as establishing defenses, gathering intelligence, maintaining supply lines, and coordinating special military operations in the region. Conscripts of the Eclipsian army are comprised entirely of volunteers. They are given light arms and armor training and make up the bulk of the army. Conscripts that demonstrate particular combat prowess are often recruited into special operations teams under the juristiction of a Taskmaster or granted leadership positions under the leadership of a small dispatch.


Members of the Eclipsian Army revere loyalty, autonomy and duty to one's nation. Those that become members pledge an oath to Queen Luvara and her rightful rule as monarch of the nation. According to Eskarian tradition, an entity known as The Moonlord bestowed a fraction of its power to the first Eskarian King, King Lumos I, and granted he and his bloodline the authority to rule over the Eskarian people. Due to this, members of the Eclipsian Army are often devout followers of The Moonlord and worship the moons from which they hail. To show disrespect or offense to the Moonlord is considered an offense to the ruling monarch of Eskar as well, for they are seen as a vessel from which the Moonlord communicates with their people. The Eclipsian Army revere the moons and often perform prayers to The Moonlord to the open sky each night. Days in which either moon is visible are considered days in which The Moonlord has shown favor to the Eskarian people. Days in which neither moon is visible (such as a double new moon) are considered a sign of misfortune and should be spent in quiet contemplation and prayer until the moons are visible again. Each member of the Eclipsian army is given a set of ceremonial armor brandishing the royal crest of the Eclipsian Royal Family intended to be worn in the presence of the ruling monarch of the Eclipsian line. Those that receive formal training in the Eclipsian Army are taught an ancient fighting style known as the Way of the Celestial Moon. Members of the Eclipsian army often salut each other and superior officers by closing their hands in the shape of a circle and placing it upon their heart. It is customary for members of the army to ask that the moons guide those they speak to when saying goodbye.

Public Agenda

The stated goal of the Eclipsian Army is the reunification of the Eskarian State under the leadership of Queen Luvara . The nation of Eskar was entrusted to the Royal Eclipsian Line by The Moonlord. Without the leadership of the Eclipsian Line, Eskar is doomed to become a failed state as punishment for straying away from the divine mandate of The Moonlord. The Eclipsian Army vows to remove all foreign influence in Eskar, ensuring that the Eskarian people will forge their own destiny through the whims of themselves and themselves alone. The Eclipsian Army despises the Prophets of Kalistrade and view their incompetence as being solely responsible for the destruction of Ithanalca and the Eclipsian Royal Family. Consequently, the Eclipsians wish to see what remains of their organization tried for treason against the Eskarian people. Officially, the Eclipsian Army proclaims all of Eskar to be The Lunar Kingdom of Eskar and seeks the legitimacy from the world stage. No nations within Kyyir officially recognize the existence of this state for fear of provoking the ire of The Empire of Brelia.


The Eclipsian Army comprises roughly 12,000 enlisted with 4,000 Archers, 5,000 Men-at-arms, 1,000 mounted cavalry, and 2,000 mages of varying specializations.   Eclipsian soldiers are ill-equipped and lack the industrial might to mass produce higher quality arms and armor. They make up for this by investing heavily in magical items to enhance their combat capabilities. Their capital, Kalakanaeka, is home to numerous arcane universities and research organizations that contribute their knowledge and wealth to the war effort. The Society of the Arcane Soul allocates resources to perform excursions into the Animus Void, to receive magical weapons and armor. Additionally, Kalakanaeka was known for the being largest exporters of magical siege weapons in Kyyir, amassing a large stockpile of them starting during the Eskarian Cataclysm. Hundreds of thousands of gold pieces were seized by the Eclipsian Army from the Prophets of Kalistrade following their official formation, further contributing to their efforts to construct magical weaponry. Castle Lumos is an appropriated building surrounding the Astral Pyre located within the center of Kalakanaeka. Originally the headquarters of The Whisperers of the Akashic Record, their building and organizational body were appropriated by the Eclipsians. The organization was disbanded and their members recruited as advising members of the government of the Eclipsian Army. While seldom utilized in large scale operations, the Eclipsian Army is capable of manufacturing and distributing the means to teleport small groups of individuals for more sensitive operations.


The Eclipsian Army was formed soon after the beginning of the Eskarian Cataclysm by Ulendil Silverblade and Queen Luvara Eskahn. Before the destruction of the city of Ithanalca, Luvara and Ulendil wished to spread Eclipsian sentiment among the people of Ithanalca and greater Eskar. The destruction of the city threw the nation into complete political upheaval, allowing them to lead a resurgence in support in the Eclipsian Monarchy. Under the promise of uniting Eskar and preventing another tragedy like that which befell Ithanalca, Luvara proclaimed herself the heir to the Eclipsian throne and the rightful ruler of Eskar. United through fear and a hope for the future of their shattered nation, many citizens of Eskar took the oath to fight on behalf of Queen Luvara to defend their nation and homeland from the Aprosian Hordes.

Lux Interlunium

Military, Army
Alternative Names
Luvarans, Moon-Men, Warriors of Eonus
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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