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Session 4

General Summary

After completing a soulful long rest in the house, our spirits went back into the throne room and found only Eilistraee there waiting for them. She spoke with everyone about their experience in the Moon Temple of Eilistraee. When asking who solved the riddle, first Xenra Shaen claimed to have solved it, so she wanted to give her an egg. However, Dunklas corrected her to claim the egg for himself.   Eilistraee then offered to send the group to The Sun to meet Nobanion and perhaps find Winds of Steel, Shadow of Rage's husband. She claims that Nobanion can then send them back if they wish, but each transport is limited and one way.   The group chose to take her up on the offer, and landed on The Sun. First, they headed off to a giant marble tower, but found it to be sealed shut, and unable to be opened. So, they instead headed off to the Colosseum of Honor they saw in the distance.   Arriving at The Colosseum they found another Keeper, transcribing all the visitors into a logbook. He logged all members, and they wandered in. They saw people fighting in the colloseum, and the crowd was enamoured. They saw a large tent off in the distance, where it appeared Nobanion was sitting. When they got closer to the tent, they were told by a guard that they could come in if Nobanion accepted to see them. Juancho Barto then spotted a man who appeared to be running a business based on taking donations, making guesses, and then getting paid your donation back, with extra, if you guessed correctly. The next fight was between Renrox the Mortal Slam and Minela, Insanity Force. He placed a donation, and then selected Minela.   At this point, the guard brought the group into the tented area where they finally met Nobanion. Shadow of Rage explained that she was looking for her husband. Nobanion knew her husband, but he wasn't in the Colosseum. He told them that if they returned at the end of the next fight, he would have her husband here to see her.   After Minela beat Renrox fairly soundly, Juancho went to collect his payback, the man handed Juancho a ticket back that showed he selected Renrox. Juancho saw through the illusion, and corrected him, getting his White goop back, along with 10 Green Goop.   Returning to Nobanion, Shadow met with Winds of Steel, who was less than warm to see her. He felt that her choices in life made his life more difficult after her death, and was selfish. They shared their perspectives, when Nobanion stepped in and told them he could solve their problems of being separated. He made the next event fight between the two of them.   In a dangerously close fight, Shadow managed to best Winds in combat. However, Winds is where he belonged, so his soul was permanently lost, but his desire to remain with Shadow caused his essence to coalesce into a pure distilled flame that can speak and travel with her.

Rewards Granted

Mysterious Egg - Dunklas   10 Green Goop - Juancho Barto   Scorching Zephyr - Shadow of Rage
Report Date
18 Jun 2022
Primary Location

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