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Session 5

General Summary

The beginning of the session began with our souls briefly chatting with Nobanion, who sent them back to The Moon. From here, they decided it was time to check on the Barto's in Mount Purgatory, so they headed off with the intention of going to Sanctuary.   They have a brief scuffle with an Allip and a handful of Specters.   Returning to Sanctuary, Dunklas uses his city guile to lead the group to an inn in The Vortex called The Satin Sheep, where they find two, very heterosexual, and in no way romantically involved me talking to each other in low voices. Shadow of Rage approaches the man behind the bar, and asks for his most delicious drink. He whips her up something, and despite giving her a mega-pint glass, it's only about 1/4 full. The beverage is very sweet, slightly sour, and a small bit spicy. At this point, she finds out that her sentient husband fire, can taste what she tastes as well.   Dunklas also asks the man behind the bar if they can rest here, and he explains that they can, but they need to recite the prayer. He hands Dunklas a sheet of paper with a prayer on it, and instructs him that if he reads it, he can enter the upstairs and rest. Dunklas, not too keen on praying, hands the paper off. Juancho Barto and Shadow each read the prayer, but they're still unable to enter the upper level. The barkeep realizes he gave them yesterday's prayer, and gives them a new sheet.   All 4 souls read the prayer, with varying degrees of enthusiasm, and then take a long soulful rest in their own separate rooms. When they stop resting, they all head downstairs to find the man alone this time. Shadow rudely pesters him about his sexual relationship with the man he was speaking with earlier, but he continues to insist that the relationship is purely platonic. And it is. Dunklas has the sense to finally ask him for his name, and he introduces himself as Garret. Shadow asks Garret for the name of the drink, and he explains what he served her is called a "The Sky is Not the Limit".   Which traveling towards the gate that will lead them to Purgatory, Dunklas notices a strange man. He appears to have the face of a small child in a large overcoat, a single white glove on the left hand, and a broom coming out of the right hand. When approached, Dunklas can tell something isn't quite right. Asking him what he's doing, he introduces himself as Vincent Adultman, and proclaims to be doing "Adult stuff" and "Business".   Dunklas can tell there is more to this story, so he gets the man to confess that he is out looking for a stiff drink. Dunklas offers to buy him one, which he does, but in order to give it to the man he wants him to take off the overcoat. After a bit of a Mexican standoff, the man finally takes off his coat, and to everyone's surprise, except Dunklas, the man is actually 3 small children using the overcoat as a disguise.   After he takes the bottle and leaves, the party passes the gates that will lead them out of Sanctuary, when Dunklas notices that the egg he has in his backpack is beginning to vibrate. After noticing the heat, he drops it to the ground, and then picks it up, but it sears him. It also appears to be adhered to him. After examining it for some time, he touches it with his other hand, and completes the circuit. A rush of energy slowly comes over him and the egg, until a fully grown, black, Ambush Drake appears before them. Dunklas can also now see, and feel, that he has acquired small patches of scales on his body where the energy flowed through.   After leaving Sanctuary once and for all, the group runs into a Gloom Weaver, who claims that his employer has tasked him with stopping them from interferring wit his plans. Not much for talking, he quickly takes an aggressive stance, but is unable to stop the onslaught of Dunklas' stunning strikes, and Tristan claims his first victim.

Rewards Granted

1 Allip, 4 Specters - 2,600 xp (650 each) 10,182 / 14,000 - 1 Red Goop (Xenra) 1 Gloomweaver - 5,000 xp (1,250 each) 11,432 / 14,000 - 1 Crystal Goop (Shadow)   1 Ambush Drake - Dunklas
Report Date
19 Jun 2022

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