Brillén Flag

The Brillén flag, in its current form, is a religious item in dedication to Saja Maut and the New Gods of Brille. Its design has changed little in the last few centuries, only adding one symbol within the last nine hundred years.  

Design and Symbolism

In its original form, the flag of Brillé was made of three grey flags on a yellow background. Meant to represent the nation's three great walls across their sacred savanna plains, its design was spartan while leaving plenty to the imagination. The design would see its first change sometime after Ettermiddag, where the three grey stripes were filled with red dye which represented Live Blood, a technology essential to the nation's success (though some attribute it to the labor required to build the walls.). Around the same time, the yellow background was replaced with green but the reason is unknown. Some attribute it to a shortage of yellow dye while others believe the grass temporarily turned green during the climate shifts of Ettermiddag.   The modern version of the flag includes a large bee on the left which was added after the War on Barbarism under Saja Maut's reign. The shift likely represents the Sentinels of Saja Maut's apiaries due to their increased royal jelly production compared to other native species. Given the nation has started relying far too much on Live Blood in recent decades, the apiaries have grown into a daunting necessity for Saja Maut to maintain his regime. Their necessity is only reinforced by their yearly growth.  

Shifting Applications

When Brillé was led by past Pride Leaders, the flag was an enduring symbol of the nation's people, inspiring nationalism and reinforcing the need for isolation. It wasn't until Saja Maut took power in recent years (ca. 1947 NG) that it became representative of the Pride Leader and his religious figureheads. The dynamic shift further represents the change in the nation's status quo, with the government no longer defining 'liberty' as the government's dedication to the people, but the reverse instead. Under this flag and those it represents, a new constitution was written for the nation, with each decree stating the responsibilities the citizens owe to the government. To few individuals' surprise, these decrees inspire paranoia, reporting on others, and the continued support for Saja Maut's regime.
*Brillén Flag created by 'CodePanda' *


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