Live Blood

"I feel that live blood may be the byproduct of a ritual involving the sacrificial blood of an unknown creature."

-Zaid Faeluya to Essa Muenera, Kalan spy.
Falling Pride

The following article is content from the "Falling Pride" campaign

Travel behind the great walls of Brillé as spies, all while under the guise of immigrating citizens. Build a life, gain the trust of locals, improve your social credit, and accumulate resources as you investigate for the Oligarchy of Kala. Choose your allies carefully in this theocratic dictatorship, as they could keep you alive or lead to your demise: though you may even find yourself working with the powers that be. Few choices will be easy in the Pride of Proving as you do your best to lay low and survive.

Potential Spoilers May Follow

From Artisans to Amateurs

Live blood is a revolutionary tonic developed by the blood mages of Brillé sometime after the The Mountainfold. While its application is multipurpose, it is primarily created for guards, soldiers, and healers. Achieving the magical fluency of a blood mage takes decades yet through this innately arcane brew, even the most mundane representative of Brillé can tap into magic and make nearly full use of its capabilities. Ever since its creation, live blood has become one of Brillé's most manufactured products and is a cornerstone of both the law enforcement and medical professions. While it is easy to produce with resources on hand, several scholars from the nation theorize that its hindered production could prove disastrous as it's become a crutch to perform crucial duties.



Live blood was a tonic created by Rojan priests following the Riiji Impersonation and Mountainfold. While the extensive use of blood magic assisted their nation in the absence of fire magic (due to being banned), knowledge of this particular technology was lost during Ettermiddag. Due to the death of many priests, libraries, and mages, it was thought to be lost to history.   In the year 1947 NG, it was discovered to be used by the government of Brillé. Due to the nation's isolated nature, it has managed to keep the technology preserved and secret. While it's uncertain when the technology was transferred between nations, theories place it around the year 488 B.E, after the The Battle of Tirni as a new form of defense against the elves.


Live blood can be made in two distinct ways, one of which was devised by the Brillén government. Brillé creates live blood by exposing pigs to boomslang venom, collecting the hemorrhaged blood in vials. Once collected, mages mix the blood with bone dust, jackleberry juice, and royal jelly from the Kehfri apiaries.* The final step is to bless the concoction with Riiji's blessing: a task performed by priests, blood mages, or paladins. The second method is used for mass production and involves mixing all of the ingredients (including venom) into large vats or barrels of blood. Unfortunately, the original method performed in Roja was permanently lost, though it was likely similar to Brillé's methods.   *While records scarcely explain the purpose behind the ingredients, royal jelly is believed to symbolize the cyclical nature of Riiji, and paladins often own the apiaries of Kehfri. This requires the Pride of J'tsan to expand their religious devotion so that they may continue producing their greatest weapon and defense.


Brillé advertises live blood as the first line of defense for the great people of His Pride. The main source of live blood's usefulness is its ability to substitute any spell component and most ritual performances, making it accessible to those amateur at magic. Priests use it to heal wounds, curses, and diseases; guards use it to defend their citizens against criminals and sinners; and authorities use it as ink to give negative social credit to citizens.   Its use by the authorities is even said to apply to the New Gods who bless and use its divine powers. Occasionally, these dictatorial rulers will bless live blood and present it to others as gifts that may bestow miracles when used, but its power is far too grand to be passed out in abundance. Still, common live blood can change lives when in the right hands.

Wielders of Live Blood

Priests of Brillé

Wise and intelligent, these devoted healers to Saja Maut will stop at nothing to keep the people healthy while upholding the ideals of His Pride. A specific example would be the charismatic Akash, head Priest of Akat.

Guard of Brillé

The guards of Brillé are many and loyal. Patrolling the streets in pairs 24/7, the guards ensure that no criminal will harm dutiful citizens. Whether they must face a common thief or worshippers of the Azberret, the guards will stand up to defend the laws of Saja Maut.

Brillén Authorities

Be they captains, junction captains, nobles, or ministers, the authorities of Brillé work tirelessly to defend the status quo set by the benevolent Saja Maut. These joyful leaders work closely with the citizen base and communicate the newest of Saja's dictions. One example is Tan Mikat, Junction Captain of Akat.
*All art generated by Smokingbat7906 in Midjourney*


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