Paleo Bailumism

Paleo Bailumism is the original (and very dwindling) monotheistic human religion. Followers of this sect do not believe in Taopin, Chaimut, Silset, nor any of the other gods presented by Taopinism. Worshippers simply believe in the existence of Bailum as a protector god of man, defending humanity against the devils that pass Ornjack's weave.   Paleos believe that humanity should not have left the Snow-Rock Isles and usually refuse to leave. They believe that Ornjack created the isles as a protective cradle, and leaving them would be disrespectful to his kindness. Any remaining believers tend to live at society's fringes, only rejoining larger communities during their Homage to the Wishing Well.  

After the Silence

After The Silence, most religions with such literal embodiments of deities were thrown into a frenzy. With no answers as to how anyone could communicate with their gods, it took over a year for a single validated communication with the gods to take place. Among the religions, Paleo Bailumism had a unique response. That is to say, Paleo Bailumism gave no response at all. No acknowledgment was given toward the mending of The Serpent, nor the disconnection from the planar universe. The lack of miracles was simply credited as punishment for the world's sins.
Religious, Sect
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Character | Mar 28, 2024


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