Silset (Sill-set)

Silset (a.k.a. Mothergod)

Goddess of Love and its Consequences

Silset is devoted to compassion for all, whether family, friends, or enemies. Through her teachings, one finds that small acts of kindness change the world. She does not claim to be the source of love in the world, but she aims to foster the emotion within individuals. Another trait associated with this compassion is to approach others as if they were yourself. Treat strangers with compassion, as you never know what they may be going through or what manner of life has led them to their current place.
Those who are faithful to the teachings of Silset do not pledge fickle allegiances. People can only have so many responsibilities and should devote themselves where they can devote themselves. Love is facilitated by passions, and finding those you can share devotion with will promote the spread of love. Wherever an individual finds passion, even in another god, Silset is present.
Just as no mortal is perfect, nor are the gods. Wherever love is present, obsession may be bred. Many individuals fail to grow out of this obsession, letting it consume them. It is said that those with obsession have had Silset's love burned from their spirit, though it was her that provided the flame. Silset herself is known to become obsessed throughout mythology, hurting those she loves and serving as her own foil. Some believe that her butterfly wings represent the metamorphosis one must go through to escape such obsession.



Silset was discovered during the Morgunn Explosion, along with several other Ohdaufeen. While her first incarnations are largely a mystery, she was the first recorded god (known today) after Bailum. Her status as a valid god would be instated by he Logratte-Helgaard Alliance. Her presence shifted the culture of relationships within the sveit logr in a manner that can still be observed. Over the centuries, her church was refined and communion allowed her purpose to be better understood. Today, we know her to embody (but not supply) compassion, devotion, and obsession. Whether the negative impacts of obsession are intentional or not is unknown, but the general opinion is that it varies from person to person.  During her first appearance, obsession was considered a standard of love: a view that has since been doused. However, several cults still stand in her name, many of which can receive Augury regardless of their dubious morals (merely because they are a cult of the Ohdaufeen).


Silset was a child of Ornjack and gift to Taopin in order to construct a positive network of relations with the Ohdaufeen. Unfortunately, her new husband would covet her and harbored disdain for Ornjack. Taopin would end up cutting Ornjack's contact with Silset, driving tensions and resulting in the great spider's distrust of the Ohdaufeen. Many believe that Ornjack is her source of obsession. While the spider had once shared love for all of humanity (given he had sired them), the birth of a singular true daughter made him slowly forget his people. He would conspire ways to get his daughter back after her marriage and possibly still contemplates plans in the modern era. Miscellaneous stories show her as a compassionate spirit for all to confide in. Even devils such as Vail Ikidas and Rel Eteisus have shown love for Silset. Taopin's adopted son, Ygaul, only received love from Silset when the rest of the Ohdaufeen treated him as a disgrace.

Modern Influence

Silset's domain of "love" is a convenient label used by the Augury to achieve broad appeal. Those who commonly require her services tend to see a different god entirely. For one, she represents change at a moral level. Her butterfly wings represent the metamorphosis that small acts of kindness can bring to an individual. Where people may have had to crawl through the mud just to survive, acts of kindness and charity can allow them to fly. In her own words, there is no such thing as luck. Wherever progress is achieved, one could tally every small act of kindness that built the achievement. Where power is abused for vile purposes, the abuser's history of obsession can be tracked. 
Silset's teachings of compassion and devotion provide humanity with the innate traits they need to survive: compassion for a baby's cries, anguish at a lover's death, and regret for misdeeds all drive the world to survive in harmony. If Silset is to push for a world of harmony, she must be the source that punishes its absence. As a result, the god of love is also a god of regret and grief. Her passion for carving such a loving world can make her feel conniving when she delivers consequences free of regret, but if she was afraid to punish dissenters then she would fail in her own tenets of devotion.

Note: Agents of Obsession

Not all who grow obsessed are cursed by devils or failures at love. A special few have been deemed agents of change in the name of Silset. For example, the Ohdaufehl were intended to follow their domain and oaths to a fault. To achieve such divine agents, Silset intentionally breathed obsession into their makeup during conception. This has been known to fail occasionally, with fallen Ohdaufehl such as Epithet refusing to rest with the satisfaction of victory. Instead, they fight to create a world with problems that they themselves are intended to solve. Several mortals have been denoted as agents of obsession, such as Efan Turases, Arniel Kane, Vhou Riyael, and Ineva Kataqr. Each of these individuals is considered to have been prophetically damned to lives of service, dissatisfaction, or death for a greater cause. 




Towards Silset




Towards Ornjack




Towards Silset




Towards Mitos




Towards Silset




Towards Taopin



The Rhythm and Vile: This foul instrument of Milin Orphi was corrupted from a creation of Silset.
Taopin (spouse)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale skin, buterfly wings
Human Pantheon


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