Ornjack (Orn-yack)

The Architect, The Terrible

Ornjack, the world sized spider, is not necessarily seen as a god. He is considered a powerful being, near that of the Three Brothers, but is not a divine creature.    Ornjack travelled the universe, weaving his webs between every star in hopes of creating a unified whole. His desire was for peace and connection. Humans believed his pure brood are the humans themselves. He has been known by many names and different forms. Once, he took the form of a garden spider. this was when he was weaving his webs. When the serpent attacked, he took the name "Ornjack the Terrible" and took the form of a recluse. After the 1000 years of torture, Ornjack took the form of a writing spider and took the name "Ornjack the architect."

Divine Domains

Ornjack claims no domain, and does not believe in the controlling of the natural world via godhood. He could become a god by drinking from the Well of Heien, but does not want to leave Laminarum undefended.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ornjack takes the shape of a spider, at least a good fraction of Laminarum's size. His exact size is inconsistent in stories.

Body Features

8 eyes and legs.

Identifying Characteristics

Glowing holes throughout his body left over from his battle with Heien.

Special abilities

Free travel through the Water's of Taiv, can connect celestial bodies, control over Heien.

Specialized Equipment

Webs of Ornjack.

Personality Characteristics


Protect his children, defend his breeding ground, consume devils

Likes & Dislikes


His Daughter, Silset   His brood, humanity   His Weave (also named his web, orb, or strands)  


Ithitar, devils   Uthuquate   The Serpent's brood (reptilian races, elves).   Taopin   Bailum   Heien

Virtues & Personality perks

Ornjack is considered honorable and caring by the White-Rock Bailumists.

Vices & Personality flaws

Seems to be easily tricked and too trusting



Ornjack has been alive since the beginning of time, and says he will be until the end of time.    Though he is not considered a god by the humans, one could easily see him as a god. He is said to have connected the Universe and defeated Heien, the Greedy.

Contacts & Relations

Has no more connection to Silset, due to Taopin's controlling ways. Since Silset is Ornjack's only true child (as he never interacted with the human brood), he puts Silset above humanity. This is seen as a weakness by many.   Bailum is a defender of humanity, much like Ornjack. Though their relations are rocky, due to Bailum tricking Ornjack and Heien into an altercation, they do have similar jobs. They still commune together regarding the "health of the brood."   Bailum was already somewhat prompted to dislike Ornjack prior to tricking him. Even though he was not a member of the holy family, Ornjack was allowed a vote in the Indictment against Taopin. given that Taopin was married to Silset, Ornjack voted against Bailum. This was regardless of the fact that he agreed with Bailum.

Family Ties

Silset is his daughter. Oddly, she is viewed as a god while he is not.

Religious Views

Believes no gods are above himself, or his brood. He views all beings as equal and connected, with everything in existence requiring everything else.   He believes that those in the Waters of Taev (Depicted as they metaphysical by Elves) to be evil. It holds the devils and the eldritch, some which he claims are even more powerful than himself. Heien, for example, was considered one of the most powerful beings in the universe. It was only by the surprise and home advantage that Ornjack defeated him.


Speaks the language of the Weave, which is not currently understood. Whether it was simply fictitious or was lost to history is unknown.




Towards Silset




Towards Ornjack



Father in Law (Important)

Towards Taopin




Son in Law (Vital)

Towards Ornjack




Though Ornjack has given much assistance to Taopin over the years, he has rarely had the favor returned. As it stands now, Taopin does not allow communication between Ornjack and Silset. This has driven a steep hatred for Taopin, but he cannot act on this due to fear over Silset's safety.

Current Status
Protecting his Weave
As old as Time
8, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
changes depending on his form
Quotes & Catchphrases
"My children hang your sky, my webs hold your world. Now, Heien shall mount your night. Should you betray me again, take advantage of my kindness again, then my foul egg shall hatch, and my children of light and web shall fall like rain upon your land."


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