The War on Barbarism

Falling Pride

The following article is content from the "Falling Pride" campaign

Travel behind the great walls of Brillé as spies, all while under the guise of immigrating citizens. Build a life, gain the trust of locals, improve your social credit, and accumulate resources as you investigate for the Oligarchy of Kala. Choose your allies carefully in this theocratic dictatorship, as they could keep you alive or lead to your demise: though you may even find yourself working with the powers that be. Few choices will be easy in the Pride of Proving as you do your best to lay low and survive.

Potential Spoilers May Follow


Saja Maut's Claim to Fame

The War on Barbarism was a 4-year ordeal waged by Saja Maut during his ascension to power as New God of Brillé. Upon the death of his father, the young Saja Maut immediately erected a new regime which mobilized faster than any seen in Brillén history (or world history, by Saja's claims). The war was meant to eliminate potential dissenters against the New Gods of Brille and the faith. By casting these sinners under the title of "Azberret worshippers," the new regime was able to swiftly eliminate suspicious individuals, local leadership, and dubious members of the clergy. Saja Maut handpicked individuals to replace those removed from power, ensuring his concise vision would spread across the local leadership of his nation.


New Junction Captains

The War on Barbarism was led by two notable groups: sixteen junction captains and ten Sentinels of Saja Maut. The prior led a new wave of local guard to oust their predecessors of notable suspicion, ensuring that all wall-adjecent cities were under the adept control of Saja Maut. The Sentinels, on the other hand, led war bands of soldiers from cities to villages with gifts of food, music, New Scripture, and medicine. As houses were raided and sinners were brought to justice, the paladins were the kind faces ensuring that the faithful were rewarded for their compliance.

Sentinels of Saja Maut

The Cities and Villages

During the war, the main locations of interest were cities along the nation's Great Wall and the smaller villages between them, while the palace and border went relatively untouched. As the Junction Captains ousted and replaced their predecessors, the paladins would spread good tidings to the surrounding villages and towns, ensuring that all knew about the changes in leadership. Most citizen deaths occurred outside of the large cities as those worshipping foreign gods were typically alienated from civilization already, though it wasn't until Saja Maut's rise that they became targets.
As war bands and sentinels began slaying Azberret worshippers, the new Junction Captains would utilize their predecessors' records to determine any individuals of suspicion. Martial law was enacted to ensure that civilians were complacent during the power shift, though the public already widely disliked most of the eliminated captains. By the war's conclusion, all individuals of suspicion had been dealt with and waves of propaganda inspired citizens to report on suspicious activity in the future. The paladins were recalled to the palace of Kehfri and the new captains were given free reign to run their cities as they pleased, so long as they upheld Saja Maut's new status quo.
*All art generated by Smokingbat7906 in Midjoureny*


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