Roja Activists Protest Renad-pai Act

Cultural event

356 P.E.

J'barri protestors in Roja grow violent, destroying many historical sights in the copper nation.

While Renad-Pai was slowly excavated with help from Kala, the majority of the Rojan citizens presumed that the international assistance came without strings attached. As production began once more and Kala purchased its mandatory portion of goods, word began to spread regarding the implications of the trade deal. Regardless, most ignored the issues presented in the Renad-pai Relief Act, as it was enough to support them at the moment.   Many of those considering the implications of restriction to Kalan ports began spreading word of their concerns, which led to the development of the Renad-pai protection movements. These movements saw educated leaders dictating the horrific futures to their followers through conspiracy and prediction. Over time, the protestors grew to assimilate views of independence from Kala, which slowly became a focus on individualism. Just as authorities feared, these ideologies all led to one conflux of belief: J'bar worship. While the god incarnate was not present as he was during the Yunbad-J'barri Conflict, his worship and respect grew like wildfire. Before long, the cultural and historical centers of Roja were cast in real fire.   Several libraries and monuments were toppled during this time, which only served to harm the movement. When the violent threat was apparent, Roja did what they could to suppress the violent crowds. When these attempts were met with failure, they would reach out to the Council of Kala, who naturally took an interest in suppressing these protests. A military force was soon dispatched, killing the leaders of the movement and establishing legislation against the worship of the egoist.

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