While most of Highland’s holdings have shrunk in recent years, the new addition of Tineseth has slowed the decline of the kingdom in a much needed way. Originally an independent town specializing in wine production, the council leaders opted to become part of the kingdom for both its offer of protection and due to their admiration of Highland’s staunch traditional values. Annexing Tineseth has been lauded as one of King Reginald’s greatest accomplishments, as it prevents Hodramekus from pushing uncomfortably far north, while adding a great deal of trade income from the sale of their specialty wine.
The armies of Highland employ conventional cavalry and infantry regiments, outfitting and training them to a reasonable degree. These forces are well paid, and their exceptional morale on the battlefield is well documented. The city of Tineseth has a medium standing army and large militia.
Industry & Trade
Wine the best wine in Laruna is made here, as well as good quality crops.
Tineseth is right on the of the Tinese river providing fishing and great crop location. The city itself is built on the planes but has large forests nearby.
Natural Resources
Crops 30% Wine 60% wood 10%
Large city
20,000 to 30,000
Inhabitant Demonym
Humans and fae
Location under
Lord burnhallow