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Ruby Sulit

Ruby Sulit (A.K.A. Surubyian)     Common Class Choices: Cleric*, Fighter, Warlock   *Any effect that would normally affect undead creatures instead affect celestials.         Ruby Elite Warrior
Prof: +6
Items: Ruby Longsword of Spellcleaving (+2), Shield of Something (+2), Plate Armor of Saving Throws (+2)
Level & Class: 20 (Fighter - Champion)
STR: 17
DEX: 14
CON: 14
INT: 8
WIS: 12
CHA: 10
Feats: Tough, ?, ?
HP: 10+19d10+20*(4+2)
AC: 25
Abilities: Extra Attack (x3), Action Surge (x2), Crit (18-20), Regain 9 HP per turn when under half, fighting style, remarkable athlete, indomitable, second wind, fighting style
Ruby Longsword: Like Sapphire Dagger
Fighting Styles: Dueling (+2 damage), Defense (+1AC)  

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions


Beauty Ideals

Men should have long har, women short

Relationship Ideals

Surubyian relationships are open and generally formed due of friendship. A Surubyian often have a couple relationships at a time, as in most other civilisations the normal thing would be to have more than one friend at a time. A relationship is generally not thought of as special nor do anyone care about people acting out their relationship in public. In the sharing community of Surubians parents do not take as big of a role as in other cultures. After a Surubyian baby is born the community as a whole takes care of it. Fathers are never thought about and mothers only have a slight guardian role for their child. generally the children instead bond to whoever happens to take care of them in their young years, which is at large at random.

Their is one type of relationship which is different tho, and that is the relationship between a Surubyian and Rubynx. It is a great honor to be choosen as a consort to the Guardian Dragon. A relationship to Rubynx is as others open, and people do let it go more or less unnoticed in public, while remaining only courtship. The final act of the relationship, the mating, is a celebrated ritual at which many gather in joy and festivities.

Common Dress Code

After millenias of guard duty in heaven, against the angel choirs, armor has become the formal were of the Surubyians. The armors are made of plates in bright chromes. Each armor has one main color, one secondary color and one detail color. Most of the armor is made in the main color while smaller parts, as neckguards are in the secondary color. The detail color is very sparinglu used. The most common colors are red, yellow, white and blue while detailing colors also can be green, black and orange.   Brigandien is used by beginenrs/ ones that do not have the avaiability for a plate armor   While not wearing armor long dresses are used. These dresses are artworks in themself, depicturing the world, from the ground to the clouds and all beings in between.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

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