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Sapphire Sulit


The sapphire sulits, also called susapphirains or susafirs, obey the Guardian Dragon of Water, Sfairam. Their skin is blue and as their dragon god their horns are long and curved as those of goats.

Basic Information


Skin: Light blue
Horns: A deeper crystal color of the skin. Might vary in both darker and lighter shades,
Hair: Sapphire Sulits have hair in nyances of ocean blue, dark purple and black.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Inspired by Japanese Few syllables

Gender Ideals

The ideal personality of a Sulit male is strength of body and will of power. They are farmers, politicians and warriors. They are also often the ones that take cares of the family.   A female Sapphire Sulit should be a good logical thinker while understanding the feelings of others. High status comes with jobs as war planners, teachers and friendship councelers. To fulfill the ideal you have to have a high ranking strategic positions within the military, have a good social status (connected to goodness of heart) and owning many slaves.   The ideal Sapphire Sulit man should have a well defined jaw bone, a bit of muscles and horns that curl exactly one turn.   The ideal Sapphire Sulit woman should be quite thin, have shiny horns and well kept hair.

Courtship Ideals

Gifts in form of hand made jewelry, polished sapphires and gem like origami.   Giving away gems given by a former partner is not seen as weird and is not uncommon.

Relationship Ideals

Susapphirian relationships are very close to human relationships in that some sapphire sulits prefer long-lasting bonds while other switch partners many times through their life. What is very important in supphirian relationships are trust are monogamy, while switching partner is not uncommon having multiple ones at the same time is frowned upon and seen as a great disrespect to the bond which is a relationship.

Common Dress Code

Showing thighs and shoulders are commonly seen as sexual, which means that they dont use cloths that show to much during formal meetings but othervise do not care to much.   Showing stomach and breasts are not anything weird which means that during the warmer periods cloths with open fronts are often used. During colder times and cermonies open front robes are usually wearn over soft pants and shirts. The robes never have cloaks, instead they have short cloaked mantles on top of the robe.   The clothing is usually without pattern. Instead a number of different bright colors are usually combined in a set of clothes.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Drinking tea is an important tradition to the Sapphire Sulits.

Common Taboos

Helping the slaves to freedom. Interracial sexual and romantic relationships.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Sapphire Sulits look down on most other species and even use them as slaves.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

Elemental Affinity

All supphirian spellcasters has an affinity to water.  

Common Class Choices

Bard The chime of bells in the wind, a flute singing in the mountain tops, the echo of drums within the caves beneath. Music is an important part of supphirian culture and so are the bards.   Ranger On the highest mountains and deep dpwn the darkest caverns these warriors hunt their pray. Seek and Destroy - Rift Abominations, no more.   Sorcerer In the supphirian blood the magic of Sfairam lives. Some individuals may draw of this power to control the elements of the world.   Warrior Dragons live and dragons die but their scale is not lost to time. In scale mail of sapphire dragon scales suffirian warrios battles with Rift Abominations and enemies of the Suffirian Empire.

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Articles under Sapphire Sulit


Ability Score Increase +1 Str, +2 Cha
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft.

Quick Muscles:
You gain a +1 bonus to initiative. Once per long rest, when you make an opportunity attack, you gain advantage on that attack roll. Once per long rest, when a creature takes an opportunity attack against you, that gets disadvantage on the attack roll.

Accustomed to caves from where the Rift Abomination spreads, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Strong Mind
You have resistance to psychic damage.

Languages. Common, Sulitian


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