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Humans are the most common race in Lavir. It's population highly exceeds that of other races. They have shorter lifespan than most other races. Most technological advancements in Lavir were made by humans.

Basic Information


Humans are the basic humanoid race. Standing on 2 legs and having 2 arms. They have some body hair (mostly on males) and longer hair on head. 2 eyes, a mouth, a nose, 2 ears. You know, the basic.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans are mammals. Pregnancy lasts in average for 9 months. In case of inter-species breeding the human genes tend to dominate in most cases, giving the offspring mostly human characteristics.

Growth Rate & Stages

Humans live in average 100 years. They reach adulthood at the age of 18. However they become effective and ready in most areas of life at the beginning of their teens which is around the age of 10. They get old becoming less efficient and more fragile (mostly) around the age of 60-70

Ecology and Habitats

Humans are a highly adaptive race that often shapes the environment to fit their needs. Though they tend to prefer living in more temperate climate areas with fertile lands. They build houses, castles and other buildings that they eventually turn into villages, towns and cities. Most humans prefer to live in large societies.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans are omnivores. They hunt, gather plants, grow livestock and keep plantations.

Biological Cycle

When born humans like most mammals are small and fragile versions of their later salves. Growing older they increase in size and strength and define their features. Their hair grow all the time. However their Body hair start to grow only in their teens. Males start to grow beards around the same time. When getting old human skin starts to wrinkle and their hair loses pigmentation becoming white.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Humans live with their families, which live in settlements like towns and cities, which are part of countries/kingdoms. Towns and cities are led by mayors and countries/kingdoms by kings.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most humans live on Gargantuam. But they can be found all over the world.

Average Intelligence

Humans are one of the most inventive and clever races.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Human hearing, sight, smell and other sensory capabilities are basic and average.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The humans names vary greatly. They tend to have one or two first names and a family name. The family name is inherited and was initially attributed based on the particularity of the first member of the family line. The first names are mostly names that the parents liked or in honor of someone else. Humans often have similar names.

Major Organizations

The four mostly human populated countries are Kauton, Ludlow, Osham and Matis. Kauton is the biggest of the four covering around half of the Gargantuam continent.

Average Technological Level

Most technology was discovered by humans. The age of terror with it's constant wars and free immoral experimentation highly boosted the technology growth. Inventions include: computers, constructs, Guns, biotechnology, vehicles etc. However most of the technology is military orientated and after the age of terror was seized and is now examined and slowly transformed for everyday use in ITA. Thus the world is mostly still living in a medieval state. (With a few exceptions)

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Humans speak the Common tongue.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The culture of humans varies depending on where in the world they live.


Humans are recognized as being one of the most recent races to inhabit the world. No one knows where from, how or when exactly they came to be. Most ancient tale of humans date back around hundred thousand years. They quickly grew in numbers, learned, discovered, shaped the environment and conquered. Thus although comparatively recent and short living race they established themselves as the dominant race of the world.

Historical Figures

Abracus Nael - One of the last heirs of Nael Dynasty presumed killed by his brother. 
Aldwin O’Ferrous - a hero who stopped Undead Matron
General Blackmoore - Leader of Black Hawks
Carausius and Kimberly Decima - Late parents of Agnia III
Curtis Blaike - One of the heroes who ended the Age of terror
Eric Berenice - A world famous pirate
Kayarado Whait - A scientist of Gray Fortress
Kay Whait - Kayro's father and Kayarado's brother.
Lillian - A rebel who later becomes the Undead Matron
Lucas - One of the villains of the Age of terror
Lusy Rain - Last heir of the Rain knight family.
Robin Edward Niran - Previous ruler of Kingdom of Kauton and a tyrant
Shin'en Nael - Last king of Nael Dynasty, a tyrant.
Tara Wydman - Dalia's mother.
Zein Wydman - Dalia's father. Ex-scientist.    

Known indivduals

Agnia III - The current queen of Kingdom of Kauton
Mayor Alma - Leader of Ludlow 'Country'
Blake - One of Ludlow's elite mechanics.
Cachi Tori - A historian on Angel Psychology 
Cain Nael - Last heir of Nael Dynasty, brother of Abracus Nael 
Casimir Matis IX - King of Kingdom of Matis
Cliff - One of the Ludlow's elite mechanics
Cronos Tcheno - One of the heroes who ended the age of terror.
Dalia Flavia - A noble in Angel Psychology
Dalia Wydman - An adventurer. Last survivor of Old Byberg
Darach - One of the Heroes who ended the Age of Terror and principal of Black Mage University
Digit Blaike - Sister of Curtis Blaike
Harald - Agnia's cousin, advisor and royal knight
Iroi Yuramoto - One of the captains of Yami Yakuza
Iscariot Ignorant - The Ex-leader of a fanatic religious order. Currently imprisoned in International prison
Kacy Blackwood - Head mechanic of Ludlow
Kayro Whait - A man researched for the destruction of Old Byberg
Lilith Rose - A young girl that terrorizes Kauton in team with Ryu Moon
Mai Tcheno - Daughter of Cronos Tcheno
Mandy - second in charge of Ludlow's engineers.
Migraine Berenice - A world famous pirate
Mitaut - One of the heroes who ended the Age of terror and the principal of Holy Mage University
Shingetsu Hiro - A shinobi of the Shingetsu Clan.
Sidix Blackwood - A servant at Kauton castle
Smiley - One of the Heroes who ended the Age of Terror
Sonia - Kauton's rebel leader.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Humans consider themselves superior to other races all while actually being jealous of them because of their special features and long life. Although racism is now shunned there are still quite a few humans who are racist with other races.

D&D Statistics


Human traits

It’s hard to make generalizations about humans, but your human character has these traits.  

Ability Score Increase:

Two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1.  


Humans tend toward no particular Alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.  


Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.  


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.  


You gain one feat of your choice.  


You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.  


You have proficiency with one weapon, armor or tool of your choice.  


You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice. Humans typically learn the languages of other peoples they deal with, including obscure dialects. They are fond of sprinkling their speech with words borrowed from other tongues: Abyssal curses, Elven musical expressions, Dwarvish military phrases, and so on.
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens
100 years
Average Height
1.60 - 1.90 m
Average Weight
55 - 90 kg
Geographic Distribution


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