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A lich is a form of undead that arose from someone or something that has feared the burden of death and did not wish to experience the afterlife. It is created in a ritual that binds their soul to an object that allows them a form of immortality. From this object, the soul remotely controls its body, which acts as if it was still alive. However, the body must die for the ritual to work. As a result, it will experience the stages of rot and will become less efficient in its use. Eventually, when the body is destroyed in any manner, the lich will seek a new body for its soul to control. The only way to kill a lich is to destroy the object they are bound to.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

They do not grow. They rot.

Ecology and Habitats

They live in the home they kept in life. Some lurk in catacombs and tombs.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Lich dust is a good ingredient for poisons that can be used by assassins and shinobi alike.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Other undead in their vicinity. A lich can manipulate Zombies and Skeletons to do their bidding.

Civilization and Culture


Very fragmented.
Forbidden Rituals
Eternity or Until their soul is destroyed.