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The term "Hexblade" is used to refer to three categories of interlined entities: a group of Inevitables which were torn away from the authority of the Oath-Dragons through powerful magic, primarily that of the Ordning; the magical weapons into which the essence of those beings was forged; and the warlocks who enter into pacts with them.  

Fallen Inevitables

The process of creating a Hexblade is unclear, but is believed to involve the containment of a powerful Inevitable within a demiplane in the Blue Abyss known as a Lacuna. Contained in such a way, the Inevitable is unable to leave or interact with the world except through the intermediary means of certain weapons, which become a focus for their power and consciousness. Those who wield these weapons can enter into pacts with them, advancing the agenda of the Inevitable in exchange for a measure of its power; there is some evidence to suggest that it is possible to enter into these pacts without fully understanding that one is doing so. Like all such bargains struck by warlocks, this pact has a potent effect on the soul of the mortal who enters into it; breaking such a pact requires the consent of both parties or the destruction of the patron, and can lead to catastrophic spiritual complications under certain circumstances.   According to C'thiolk'then, the entities which became the first hexblades were Inevitables of various clades which had somehow gained a degree of independence and individuality. They were bound by the Ordning, using magical techniques which C'thiolk'then claimed was taught to the giants by the entity known as Coldheart. C'thiolk'then has claimed that the methods used to bind and draw power from these inevitables were similar to those used that the Paragons used to attempt to draw power from the Azoth.  

Known Hexblades

Among the hexblades known to exist are the following:  
  • Breaker of Chains - created by the Traitor Smith as a weapon to be used against the Ordning. It was subsequently used by Eikos Bheur, Giladd Silverbow, and Zilyazi Suruk in the swearing of the Oath of Undoing. At some point in its history, it may have somehow been split into three weapons.
  • Power Which Begets Power - presumed to have been created by the Ordning; it was at one point in time wielded by Arnsten Vigrunsson, the last High King of Old Volsanger. Most recently it was in the possession of Sigulf Alfskind, though its present whereabouts are unknown.
  • Truth from Authority - presumed to have been created by the Ordning. It is said to have been wielded by Athanni ur-Eku.
  • Infinite Mercy of Oblivion - presumed to have been created by the Ordning. It was once wielded by Rram sh'Az va'Ux, before being bound into the Pivot, where it pollutes the Fountain of Night, creating the Utterdark.
Religious, Divine Host


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