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Nachtzahn was the fortress of the Dynasty of Varkos, a family of vampires who ruled the Vale of Viraky from the fall of the Empire of Kataris until the Viraky Revolution  of 1076 AK.

Purpose / Function

Nachtzahn was built to act as a fortress for the Dynasty of Varkos, who were installed by the Empire of Kataris to rule over the Ljotis people of the Vale of Viraky following the annexation.   Though primarily military in its purpose, it is said that the fortress had certain potent magical effects woven into its construction. Documents found in the archives of the Gilded Tower reference the fortress as being constructed upon the site of the "Twenty-Third Pylon ", implying that it was at the centre of a confluent web of magical energy that was known to the Katari.   The fortress is also said to have contained a series of tunnels, referred to in some sources as the Door of Night, which descended deep into the earth and connected with great subterranean roads built by the Tevashi during the reign of the Faceless Kings. It has never been established how far these tunnels may extend, though some scholars have suggested that they may link numerous ancient settlements and outposts across the continent.  


Originally known as Skatha Kynodontes, approximately meaning "Fanged Citadel", Nachtzahn was built during the second century AK following the annexation of the Vale of Viraky by the Empire of Kataris. It was the center of power of the Dynasty of Varkos during the time that they ruled the valley in the name of the Basilisk Queens, and remained their dread citadel throughout their five-hundred year rule following the fall of the Katari Empire. The common name of Nachtzahn, or Nightfang, is of Balthan origin, and dates from the disastrous Baltho-Varkoi War of 613 AK, in which Lawspeaker Inga Mitzonskind of Balthas led an unsuccessful invasion of the Vale of Viraky.   The castle stood until 1076 AK, when it fell to the rebel forces of Viraky and their allies from the y'Mara Temakh. The ruins were ransacked by the forces of House Canthor, and likely also by the soldiers of the di Gratiano family that had joined them, and are believed to have been abandoned ever since - though some claim that the necromancers of Deep Haunt have taken control of the ancient citadel in recent decades.
1076 AK
Founding Date
100s AK
Alternative Names
Nightfang, Skatha Kynodontes, The Fanged Citadel, The Door of Night
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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