Delsaphine Rojas Character in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Delsaphine Rojas

Former Captain of the Dragon Cult Airship


Wearing a long black coat, with a beautiful ornate cloak that rests over her leather armor; Short straight shiny black hair that is shorter in the back, longer in the front with bangs that are cut straight across. (High perception) She has jet black eyes with pale skin. She has a scar/brand on her jaw.
  • She is an acolyte of the Ancient Red Dragon of the North Klauth who resides in the Klauthen Vale.
  • Giants and dragons have been sworn enemies for the past several thousand years. Delsaphine and her crew were initially sent by Klauth to help you travel across the continent to help you kill the giants.
  • Hoven’darn - Black Abishai; will be lurking, making sure that they do well on their end
  • She has been tasked to recover Orbs of Dragonkind for Klauth.
  • Former crew members: Nyzroth, Brassik, Laz, Oriskus, Perella, Tralt, and Zalthia all of which were killed during the mutiny initiated by Xyden during Session 39: Man Overboard!
  • Delsaphine escaped along with the black half-dragon humanoid who had been hiding below deck in the ship.


  • Rod of Teleportation
  • Cloak of Invisibility


Session 49: Fool Me Once, Shame on You. Fool Me Twice... ah' SHIT!
  • Ran into Delsaphine once again, she was with Frilnik Hazario. Said that she had Uthal captured and poisoned Olga's mother. Made you help her recover an Orb of Dragonkind from the cloud giant fortress, Lyn Armaal or else she would kill both of them.

Prominent figure within the Cult of the Dragon Acolyte for Klauth

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Delsaphine Rojas

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