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Session 33: Blessing of the Va-guuhl

General Summary

Looking around at the carnage following the great battle with King Ugalak, there was still the outstand question as the why the necrosis was still spreading from the Va-guuhl. As King Ugalak's dead body plopped to the floor, you could see that one of the ventricles of the heart had been dug out, creating a passageway up into the heart.   Upon discovering that, you could hear a chorus of loud bullfrog-like croaks coming from the far southern end of the chamber The croaks growing louder with each passing second, until the point you could feel the ground start to rumble.   Shremash at this point had freed several of his lizardfolk people who were in chains off to the sides of the chamber. Standing atop the pyramid, you could see the approaching army of of hundrens, if not thousands of Kuo-tao stampeding in your direction to seek retribution for you killing their leader. Their King.   There stood Shremash Fthh, Trog, Xydendanthis Torvux Vulchurian, Pywhakett of Bell, Book & Candle, Eldred Jonas, Zephyr , and a handful of Tree Ghost Tribe warriors against the masses of Kuo-toa.   Suddenly you heard a loud screech, that of a wyvern echoing from the tunnels to the north, the tunnels you entered at the start of the previous battle. The screeches grew significantly louder as the two familiar wyverns you had previously encountered entered the chambers; mounted atop them was Kiadak (the lizardfolk druid and Luura's wife) along with your companion Ivellios. Flanking them were the two generals, Dardek and Pantho, along with several dozen of the remaining Tree Ghost Tribe Warriors.   With time of the essence, Trog demanded that you must go up into the Va-guuhl and find out where the necrotic energy poisoning the tree was coming from. Zephyr, Eld, and Pywhakett escorted Trog up into the heart while the remaining party members made the final stand against the horde of Kuo-toa.   Within the heart three separate ventricles led you in different directions, splitting the party:
  • Eldred went to the north made his way into the back entrance of the Wyvern Aviculture. There there entire chamber was filled with nearly a foot of water stemming from a large pool in the center of the chamber. He saw that the main entrance had been sealed off, and nearly all of the wyverns executed by means of strangulation or suffocation; all except one. Eld recovered the baby female wyvern and began to make his way out of the chamber when he was attacked by a massive water elemental.
  • Zephyr went south to Fjell Madrad; a great stone of granite with the giant rune, Fjell, embedded on it. This stone was known to Trog as the Mother of the Mountain. Players are currently unsure what happened here with Zephyr. When he returned to the group, he was very bloodied and shooken up and carried with him a scepter which possessed a glowing blue gem on the end of it.
  • Pywhakett escorted Trog further up into the central chamber where they encountered 2 Kuo-tao, one being an Archpriest that was standing before a kuo-toa spawn pool conducting a ritual that helped give birth to more Kuo-toa. On the far of the spawn pool was a pus-filled blister like sack pulsating with energy. After dispatching the kuo-toa guard, Pyewhakett defeated the Archpriest while Trog disrupted the ritual. Trog was nearly killed in the encounter but Pye managed to save him by means of which that were nothing short of a miracle. Trog was able to break the enchantment on the pool and you all were able to recover a similar scepter to that of Zephyr's from within the blister-sack but not before it exploded over all over you.
All of you were able to reconvene at the intersection that connected the three tunnels ; you could hear the battle raging on in full effect in the chamber below. The two ventricles where the scepters were recovered started to heal and close up.   Missing the last scepter, you all went back together to search the aviculture. You found it lodged in the center of the pool. Upon dislodging the final scepter the water in this chamber went back to the regular depth and the tree started to recover. As it rapidly began to heal, the tunnel leading back into the Va-guuhl started to close.   You made it back to the Va-guuhl just in time to watch it heal and seal completely. As it did so it began to emit a great green glow that illuminated the entire chamber.   Regaining your sense, Eld, Pyewhakett, Zephyr, and Trog were now back in the central chamber atop the Shine to the Va-guuhl, there was carnage and bloodshed as far as the eye could see; both the lizardfolk of the Tree Ghost Tribe and kuo-toa alike.   Xye, Vel, Kiadak, Dardek, and Pantho were all accounted for, but Shremash was nowhere to be found. At turn of the battle where all seemed lost, Shremash had charged into the fray and set off an explosion that took out most of their ranks.They had successfully defended the Va-guuhl, but at the cost of their fearless leader, Shremash. He body was unable to be recovered amongst the wreckage.   Unfortunately, only one of the wyverns made it out alive. An adult male.   You did your best to help clean the aftermath of the battle, eventually retiring of exhaustion back at Shremash's personal chambers where Trog and Kaiadak were currently at work conducting the ritual to resurrect Luura . At the conclusion of the ritual and several painstakingly long moments, Luura once again drew breath. It took her a moment to regain her senses and once she did she was infuriated to see all of you here in her fathers personal chambers. She was quickly taken off by to her own chambers by Kiadak and throughout the course of the evening she was informed about everything that had transpired; not to be seen again that night.   Trog escorted you to the great hall and after an evening of song and drink, celebrating the victory, and mourning the great loss you all fell into a deep sleep.   The next morning you all awoke, very sore and stiff. You were once again summoned to same chambers where Luura was resurrected the previous evening. This time when you entered, you could see that one of the roots had a similar glow to that of the heart. The Va-guuhl had been vanquished.   Eldred had been awarded a bow called Divine Mercy, crafted by Trog himself. Along with the bow, you were told that you could keep the relics you recovered from the Shachk-la-Tra, and you were also gifted a crate full of potions.   You happily handed over the 3 scepters you recovered when Trog asked.   Before leaving, Luura expressed her gratitude for saving the people of the Tree Ghost Tribe. The insurmountable deed that you performed here will be sung about for a milenia. After she said that she began to sing an angelic tune; as she did so, the root grew brighter and brighter until 5 small wisps of light came from the root and approached each one of the present party members. With this you received the Blessing of the Grandfather Tree.   With Shremash's blade laid before the root instead of his body, the blade similarly glowed as a whisp left the blade and went into the root itself.   With tears in his eyes, Trog thanked each of you. Hugging Pywhakett for saving his life, similarly hugging Eldred for befriending a strange little old troglodyte man such as himself, and giving Zephyr a knowing wink for the secrets he holds.   Dardek and Pantho, the two massive lizardfolk Generals then escorted you to the top of the tree to vouch for your deeds that you have done. Then even went as far as to escort you out of the High Forest to the north, where the Airship of the Dragon Cult and Delsaphine's crew await.   Saying goodbye to Dardek and Pantho, you climbed up the rope ladder to the airship. When you made your way aboard deck, the whole crew was distracted as they were all looking to the northeast, Delaphine included. A pillar of black smoke billowed into the sky above. One word broke the silence and stillness in the air, "Everlund..."
Report Date
29 Sep 2020

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