The Eternals in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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The Eternals

The council of seven once perfect beings, which jealousy, and hatred turned into dark embodiments of sin. Their leader, called by those who follow their cult, "Envy" was the first creation of Deos. He aided in the creation of his brothers. Next came the one the cult now calls "Wrath." Next came Greed, Sloth, Gluttony, Lust, and lastly, Pride. They did not start as these beings of evil, but rather turned themselves into what they are now. Deos made them in a perfect form so they may help him with his greatest project. The seven beings aided in the creation of the Old World. THey had all anticipated being able to share this world with their father. Instead, Deos would create lesser races. Deos made the mortal races starting with the Dragons then the Draconin, Brimbarians, Dwarves, Munren, and lastly, the Halflings. After Deos made these mortal beings, and paid more attention to these mortals instead of his original creations.   Envy was the first to act. He instilled his jealousy into these mortals in the hopes that they would tear each other apart over trivial things. He was followed by Pride, the youngest of the group, but he thought himself superior none the less. He instilled this into the mortals to create further conflict. Wrath was up next, he instilled rage in everyone so they may strike at one another. Lust followed, she became attracted to Deos' mortal creations, and acted upon that in obscene ways. She would instill the same lust into every mortal that walked the old world to one extent or another. Sloth, and Gluttony worked hand in hand. Sloth gave the mortals a refusal to work, and Gluttony made them unable to do the work, and they were too busy consuming everything around them. Lastly, Greed. He gave the mortals a need to acquire more, beyond any reasonable amount of satisfaction. They'd take from each other, and never stop.   The instillment of these sins created the Orcs, the mortal embodiment of all these sins compiled into a single vessel. Their sins turned their own form from the embodiment of perfection, into vessels of sin. Once Deos found out of this, he cast his now evil creations into another realm. There, they made their own world, free of the mortals that had seemingly replaced them. Little did they know, the sin they had made not only hadn't infiltrated the hearts of all mortals, but was still sufficiant to cause the old world to crumble. Deos instructed his last four dragons to make a way fron the Old World, into the next. The Eternals had just finished their own creation, and these same mortals came from the Old World, into their own. When they tried to blame Deos for this, Deos explained to them how the sins they had infected the lesser races with had infected the Old World itself. The Old World was on the verge of collapse. Deos' only option was to instruct the last of his dragons to create a portal from the Old World, to this new one, and take what few good people were left with them. He also said how regrettably, the orcs had stowed away with the refugees. Deos said how the Eternals did this to themselves by doing what they had done.   If they wanted to deal with the mortals, but preserve their own world, they would need to be more precise in their methods. They built a cult, called Children of the Eternals, and received their names. While the cult would cause havoc among the people, the Eternals would corrupt targets that held power capable of generating death, and destruction. Pride was the first. He corrupted a Brimbarians wizard, and nearly used him to destroy the nation, Brimbaria, but his plan was foiled by a much "younger" brimbarian wizard. Wrath was next, he corrupted an orc warlord, and nearly destroyed this world in a war that engulfed the landmasses that these mortals had infested. During this war, the dragons investigated whatever it was that could be giving the orcs the power to do this. The dragons found the Eternals, and Greed gripped onto the dragon Belon. Shortly after, the Draconin pushed the orcs back, but Wrath still lived within the orc ruler, Kainox the Undying.   Belon went on a rampage through the Munren nation, Heodar. The knightBelimir Derther was forced to kill Belon, and in doing so, started a war between Heodar, and the draconic nations. Though Heodar was ultimately victorious, the losses on both sides resulted in Greed's corruption causing the second most death, second only to Wrath's corruption of an entire orc army. Lust corrupted a leader of The Halfling North, decieved him into launching an attack on one of the city-states. This caused a war in the Halfling north that nearly destroyed it entirely. Gluttony assigned his cult district in Midor to control the food, and make sure the Dwarves starve. He was foiled by a dwarven constable. Sloth gathered the Children of the Eternals in preparation for two hundred years, for one massive strike. He commanded the cult, and was at the center of all the suffering. The cult was stopped by an arcane order led by the last two dragons, and a dwarven templar.   A couple hundred years passed, and activity from the Children of the Eternals only got worse. But the Eternals themselves didn't show themselves. The orcs eventually returned to try again at their masive conquest. The young draconin sorcerer Sprizen Akkamara banished the Eternal of Wrath from the orc army, and stopped the conquest. This was the final straw for the Eternals. They decided they'd destroy Eternity, with everything on it and start again. Sprizen once again rose to fight these beings, and banished them to yet another realm, where their power simply doesn't exist. Now, the Eternals can only watch as the mortals multiply, and continue to fill their once perfect creation, in their slow descent into madness.   However, they are not the only evil being with vast cosmic power. There are others, and they all wait for that one vital moment to strike.


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Feb 4, 2024 06:03

yea a tldr is needed for this but i did read it all

Feb 4, 2024 06:12

also just pointing out a problem i had. It's not made clear how the mortals and dragons made it to eternity but just that they did somehow cause deos kinda said that it was not his fault. i know it might be in the timelines, i just have not looked yet.

Feb 4, 2024 06:15

Yeah, I need to rewrite a not small amount of everything   -N

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Feb 4, 2024 11:46

same. its just kinda hard to start

Feb 5, 2024 23:55

How's this? I know it's not fully fixed yet, but I know others (yourself included) can point out what's missing.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Feb 6, 2024 05:16

It's good to now know how they got there and the story is understandable.(unlike mine). but now i just need to figure out who to side with.   deos is the reason anything exists or is even happening. he made powerful beings. basicaly his children and then ignored them for his other younger children.   it makes sense the first children would be upset that their father is ignoring them. a common scenario in real life.   deos punished them by kicking them out of the house and then decides to move into theirs when his younger kids get out of hand due to the meddling of the older kids.   the eternals blamed deos and the eternals were right it was his fault. but it was equally theirs as well.   i dont know who to side with but the eternals have a good reason. they just wanted love and went down a dark path trying to get rid of the thing blocking that.   thats how i see the story right now. from an inside perspective deos is the good guy but looking in all of them could have done better.

Feb 6, 2024 05:32

I did that intentionally, and left it up to reader agency to decide who's the good guy in the grand scheme of things. While Deos is the god of Eternity, he is not God himself, (the real God) so he cannot be flawless. He will have made mistakes.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16
Feb 6, 2024 05:49

then you did a very good job at that

Feb 7, 2024 04:08


For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16