Bhar Thaldur Settlement in Levantis | World Anvil
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Bhar Thaldur


Deep within the the mountains of the Obsidian Peaks lies the capital city of the Commonwealth of Furan. Bhar Thaldur, the city of magma, was built around what used to be the lair of the dragon Xivuran who ruled the area until he was taken down by the Twin Guardians. It is built so deep that the smiths in the main citadel even use naturally occurring molten lava for their forges. The city is built like a huge network of pillars with numerous bridges and staircases between them, and a system of pulleys to transport goods and people up and down. The city is known for its excellent craftsmen and you can find shops of all kinds of tinkerers, armorers, smiths and jewelers nestled in the pillars here. There isn't much opportunity for farming or foraging deep in the mountains here, so food is mostly brought in from the terrace farms in the surrounding region, while much of the craftsmanship is transported back out to be sold throughout the Commonwealth.  


The city is home to many different districts. Their territory is usually spread out over a few adjacent pillars and they are easily sectioned due to the city working in layers (except at the very top and bottom).  


The tunnels leading to Bhar Thaldur all open up somewhere near this large plaza that is the entrance and cultural heart of the city. An enormous obsidian statue of the Twin Guardians overlooks this place full of trading stalls, stables and inns for traveling traders. Common goods like food, clothes and cheaper artisanry are mostly sold here, and it is by far the busiest part of town.  


The Dragonribs is placed high on the pillars at the back of the city, built around the old temple to Xivuran which has been refurbished and is now home to the Zharukk Council and the Twin Guardians, the legislative and executive branches of the government. The building is surrounded by the ribs of the slain dragon, which is how the district has earned its name. This is where the wealthy traders, factory owners and artisan branch owners live. The old money lives closer to the temple, while the nouvea riche live further away from it in more contemporary-style homes.  


The upper area of the pillars is largely dominated by Jewelwalk, a district filled with the shops of wandering traders, jewelers, tinkerers and all other kind of artisans that do not use the lava streams below. Before the fall of the Dragon Cult centuries ago, this place used to house the upper ranks of the cult who considered themselves like nobility. When the cult fell however they were chased out, which freed up many of the spacious homes that have now been transformed into two- or three-story shops.  

Laeg Twist

The northwestern quadrant of the upper area is what one would call the scientific quarter, filled with alchemist's workshops, private libraries, book shops, glassblowers and other artisans that provide equipment for the inventors and alchemists. Recently the Future Kin have also tried to set up a presence here, aided by many of the Gnomish inventors and intellectuals that make their residence here and support their ideas.  

Staukata Den

Named after the Staukata that occasionally raid the place, this impoverished district at the lower level of the pillars is home to some of the older Dwarven crime families. Its markets are full of fences that buy and sell stolen goods, and many of the guards assigned to this area are horribly corrupt.  


Bar none, the poorest district of the city. Together with Staukata Den it makes up the lower levels of the pillars, but unlike its sibling district, it is home to many factories, smelters and other industrial affairs. With industrialism on the rise, these new facilities had to be built somewhere and the government thought that placing them here would modernize the township and reduce crime rates due to the increase in jobs. But with the poor living conditions it has simply led to a syncretic mesh of industrialism and cross-bred architecture where one can only find malcontent and ill intent, with nothing positive in between.  

The Smelters

At the very base of the city, near the lava rivers and magma basins, lies the industrious district known as The Smelters. It is named after the many weapon-smiths, armorers and other metallurgists that make their home here and use the ever-present lava to forge their tools and weaponry. Since the environment here is harsh and most regular citizens wouldn't visit it willingly, there are no shops here and their goods are instead transported to the upper districts where they are sold in larger chain stores.
Alternative Name(s)
City of Magma, Xivuran's Den
Around 200.000, more if the farming settlements on the adjacent hills are taken into account.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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