Sukama Organization in Levantis | World Anvil
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At the southern edge of the Mangrove Coast in the Lu'qua Tropics, the palm trees and other vegetation have made way for a young city-state called Sukama. It was settled on the command of the Fuku-Almhari of the Dominion of Azu'Raq who sent Chouji Mukhala, one of his most loyal Uba-Toki to raise a city here from where they could explore the tropics and trade for or harness their vast resources, in particular the silver mines currently held by the Vorkhul.   They have encountered numerous issues however, as they contracted unfamiliar disease and the Vorkhul have shown clear distrust and sometimes outright hostility, on top of the Sahuagin often coming out to raid their farms and take their fishermen. Communication and support from the mainland has lessened as well since the Tetrarchy is experiencing a period of instability and political corruption.


Originally the city was ruled by Uba-Toki Mukhala who had come here by command of his Fuku-Almhari. But like many others who arrived here, he contracted an unfamiliar endemic disease that the khuagawans would later call 'blue rot' for the engorging of veins and arteries that is characteristic of the disease. After his passing, his daughter Fumi Mukhala succeeded him. She is not as eternally loyal to the mainland as her father and resents being nothing more than a vassal state. Especially with the Khuagawan Tetrarchy showing signs of increasing instability, she has been itching for independence. To strengthen her position she has been making more deals with the only other city-state in the jungles, Kulanakai, as well as the Sulvari of the Cadena Archipelago.   Due to its small size, political power is very strongly localized within Sukuma. Fumi herself holds nearly all of the executive and legislative power, while the Arbiter Judges she appoints take care of the judicial branch, hearing disputes and condemning criminals. The Arbiters have been selected for their loyalty and their strict view on discipline. Their harsh rulings may not always sit well with the population, but it allows for solid control over the city and since she does not hand them out herself there are less negative effects on Fumi's personal popularity. On that note, the low taxes she levies have ensured her popularity with the population. To make up the financial loss she has placed increased tariffs on certain imported goods.


As a subsidiary state of the Khuagawan Tetrarchy, the vast majority of Sukama's people are born khuagawans and hold the same cultural values. Fashion and religious practices are also similar. The different environment however causes some slight differences, as does the nature of Sukama as a port town. There is much trade with the Sulvari and Kulanakaians and along with the goods, cultural values and certain traditions are imported as well. Thus the sukamani are slightly more free-spirited, more open with each other and more prone to expressing their emotions in public.
Alternative Names
Chihír Azu ('Little Azu')
Sukamani or Khuagawans
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities

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