Teuvolo Raider States Organization in Levantis | World Anvil
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Teuvolo Raider States


When the old Celesian Empire was at its height, it struck out in all directions to explore and expand. To the north, in the water body known as the Wrath of Torum, they found strange and irregular storms that held them back for months. But after extensive study they were able to recognize the pattern and sailed a large fleet through them, and what they found...disappointed them.
It was a small grouping of barren islands with only a few indigenous people living on it that were promptly slaughtered by the larger Celesian forces. They built a naval outpost on the larges of the islands which they called Diavolo's Teeth, and moored a large group of ships, preparing to invade the Broken Plains to the north. But then Rikar Celeste died, and the Celesian Empire fractured. They lost contact and much of the fleet, dissatisfied by the long wait and lack of spoils, turned to piracy instead. In the meantime they also received some refugees from the mainland who fled the bloody civil war. It was utter chaos. Until one man put his plan into action.   Bartolomeo Nero saw all this chaos and he despised it. He had studied the organization of Hell and he admired it for its structured order and rationality. He communed with the Archdevil Nergal to learn more of how they maintained this organization, and how it could be applied to the more fragile mortal races. He even made a deal with him to gain the power necessary for his plan. With this infernal favor he unified the islands starting with Diavolo's Teeth and brought them to order. He implemented a strict code of conduct to which everyone would be held accountable and appointed five other Sea Lords to control the five smaller port cities on the islands. He spent his unusually long live turning the previously disorganized captains into a well-oiled raider society until they grew large and powerful enough that other nations started to take note of them, and he called them the Teuvolo Raider States. While they drew the attention of other nations, who have nicknamed them the Sea Devils, these were often too fractured or weakened to sail out to take on the Teuvolo. And even if they did the irregular storms surrounding the islands has held back many a fleet.  


The Teuvolo mostly raid the various duchies of Middenland, the Cadena Archipelago and Sabara, but sometimes they even travel as far as the Lu'qua Tropics or Surlinn. As such they have made enemies of the various Celesian Duchies, the Khuagawa Tetrarchy, the Trading Post of Khargün, Kulanakai and the Commonwealth of Furan, although their largest rivalry is with the Sulvari who are one of the few sailing folk who can match the on the sea. Teuvolo has grown quite powerful in recent times, but they fear that new technology will cause them to fall behind in the naval arms race and leave them in the dust. As such its leadership is looking towards the possibility of smaller-scale conquest, having built several hidden coves along the coast from which they could launch such an invasion.   After slavery was abolished in Middenland, the Teuvolo turned to their past enemies of the Magvar Empire and started dealing with them more extensively, trading them slaves for food, weapons and other riches. They also trade with Hell itself, particularly the Archdevil's Alastor and Nergal, trading away slaves in exchange for infernal trinkets or weapons and armor made of powerful soulglass. There is even an embassy to Hell in the port city of Diavolo's Teeth.   The states are led by the council of the five Sea Lords, with the Blackened King (or Queen) at the head. Each of them rules one of the port cities and usually has their own fleet. In theory the six of them make decisions together, although the Blackened King's vote breaks a tie and he has often held far more power than the rest of them. The current council is as follows:  
  • Alejandro Nero, known as the Iron Serpent, ruler of Diavolo's Teeth. A direct descendant of Bartolomeo who rules with an iron fist, he has been trying to add further restrictions to the Teuvolo Code of Conduct. He took over the position of the Blackened King from his father after he suffered a rather suspicious accident. He holds the service of Durakha, the Pit Fiend who also advised Bartolomeo in ages past.
  • Titus Agrippa, known as The Preacher, ruler of Inovo Bay. A former hobgoblin general and priest of Iuras from the Magvar Empire, who resented his nation for being too stuck on solidifying power within their own region and wanted to bring His word further across the world.
  • Cecilia de La Muerte, known as the Queen of Bones, ruler of Bonerun Barrows. A Sulvari sorceress whose crew consists of a mixture of people and undead. Any of her people who are willing to swear her eternal loyalty will be resurrected by her after their death. Both her ships and town are filled with loyal undead who serve her willingly.
  • Diego Volpe, known as The Moonscourge, ruler of Davan Cay. An elvvhin warrior from Middenland who got infected by lycanthropy and has since sought the thrill of the hunt. Bloodthirsty and ruthless, he has been pushing more than any of the other Sea Lords for a larger-scale invasion of Middenland. Half-brother to Diana Volpe.
  • Diana Volpe, known as The Soothsayer, ruler of Davara Isle. A half-elven sea druid and half-sister to Diego Volpe. Unlike him she is not a lycanthrope and she is the calmer of the two. She appears calm and often holds her brother's aggression in check, but this belies a ruthless and tactical mind. She often raids together with her brother's fleet, and ensures an iron rule on both their ships.
  • Plurnes, also known as Underking Plurnes, ruler of the Ores Reef. A cruel triton warlock to The Lurker Below who wishes nothing more than to pilfer the surface and bring its riches down to the depths and its inhabitants. His flag"ship" is a large Dragon Turtle on whose shell a magically insulated structure has been built for him and his crew of triton and sahuagin. His ships are often accompanied by Giant Squids.


Unlike individual pirates, the Teuvolo are extremely organized, albeit a bit less so compared to the times of Bartolomeo Nero's iron rule. They admire systems of strict hierarchy and strong leadership is considered one of the greatest virtues. A ship sails and sinks by its leadership's abilities to have the crew perform their jobs adequately. There is a strict code of conduct, both within the port cities as well as on the ships themselves, although there are several additions when at sea. This affects both the sailors as well as their captain or other leadership, who often lead lives more sober than their crew to provide good example. The original code was written as follows:
  • Every man has equal title to the fresh provisions and liquors, at any time seized, and may use them unless a scarcity or dire circumstance makes it necessary to install an entrenchment at the captain's orders. Such an entrenchment affects all aboard, including the captain themselves.
  • Every man to be called fairly in turn, by list, on board of prizes. Any who defraud the ship's loot will be marooned, or if the robbery is between persons, then the disadvantaged may decide the punishment of the guilty, up to the slitting of ears and tongue followed by marooning. The captain and quartermaster receive an extra share, and the boatswain an extra half.
  • No one to afoul themselves of games of chance such as cards or dice aboard a ship.
  • Lights on the ship to be put out at eight barring a night raid. If any of the crew remain inclined to drinking afterwards, they must do so on open deck.
  • Drunkenness aboard the ship is not allowed at any time and is to be punished by limiting the guilty to bread and water for the rest of the journey and half a week in the brig.
  • Each to keep their equipment (weapons and arms) clean and fit for service.
  • To desert the ship or one's quarters in battle or crisis is punished with summary execution.
  • No striking one another on board, but every man's quarrels to be ended on shore, at blade's edge or by summary execution of both parties at the captain's discretion.
  • No man to talk of breaking up their way of living, till each had shared one thousand silver pieces. If in order to this, any man should lose a limb, or become a cripple in their service, he was to have eight hundred silver pieces, out of the public stock, and for lesser hurts, proportionately.
  • The musicians are to receive rest on Turnday unless there be a crisis. The other six days and nights, none without special favour.
  • --Teuvolo Code of Conduct as established by Bartolomeo Nero--
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\   Any breach of these laws, even by a Captain or Quartermaster, would result in summary execution or marooning depending on circumstance, unless otherwise noted. On some ships these rules have relaxed slightly, allowing games of chance for example, but many of these still hold and the Teuvolo are rather lawful for a society of raiders and pirates, which is why they have been able to remain so much longer than most pirating societies. They do not consider their own raiding unlawful, as it is against other nations and thus simply an extension of the natural order where the strong prey on the weak.   Due to the past influx of refugees, people seeking their luck within piracy, and their vast slaving attempts, Teuvolo is home to an immense variety of mortal races. The majority however are either human or hobgoblin. There is also an incredibly large population of imps that dot the sky. They often serve on ships as aerial scouts as well.  


The Teuvolo respect the order and hierarchy of Hell, but they rarely worship Devils, and it is certainly not a state religion or anything of the sort. The most popular God amongst the Teuvolo is unsurprisingly Kydross, who they worship to grant them safe passage over the sea and to let their prey be plentiful. Other popular Gods are Argor, Cinarus, Alessar, Yulavir and Iuras in particular.

Order and Plenty

Alternative Names
Sea Devils
Training Level
Veterancy Level

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