Summer Camp 2023 in Lingyichao | World Anvil

Summer Camp 2023


TrudyG's Pledge for Summer Camp 2023
  I'm going to be using my new world, Língyìchāo, as my world for the Summer Camp prompts, in part because it's also going to be the world of my Camp NaNoWriMo July 2023 project, so I'm hoping to get a synergy going.   I'm definitely going to try to get all the prompts done, but definitely the Power and Frontiers themes, as those will definitely help with the story I'll be working on in July! Might get the Relics in there as well - I haven't yet written any articles/details about the relic that causes the inciting incident - so we'll see.  

Homework: Week 3



  The item is a piece of jade wrapped in steel, with an array carved into it to transport at least two people from our world to the world of Lingyichao. It was placed in Sanxingdui 3,000 years ago, but could not find people that met its conditions. As a result, it became buried on the same level as the Sanxingdui Bronzes.

Summer Camp Hath Begun!


Event Name

Summer Camp 2023




Copper Power
7 out of 8
Silver Frontier
6 out of 8
Gold Relics
1 out of 8
Diamond Communication
2 out of 8

All Articles
16 out of 32

Copper Power

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
The first theme (and the copper prompts wave) is all about POWER, in all its different manifestations—physical power, political power, and more!
My Goal
I want to get all 8 of the main prompts done, and am hoping to do something with at least one of the wildcards!

Silver Frontier

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
The second theme, for the silver prompts wave, is Frontier! Frontiers are boundaries between things, borders—but the word also has a connection to the edge of the “known world”.
My Goal
Again, I intend to fill at least 8 prompts for this one!

Gold Relics

8 Prompts
2 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
Relics are the remnants of past ages, and they’re a great tool to show your world’s history, as well as cultural values, in the present. After all, if something has been preserved throughout history, it means people consider it to be important!
My Goal
I have at least one relic to write about, and there may be more by the time we get to Week 3!

Diamond Communication

8 Prompts
4 Wild Card Prompts
Theme Description
Communication is an essential tool for societies, and it includes way more than just language! And as worldbuilders and storytellers, communication systems and the flow of information can be a great tool for showing the mood and themes of your world, and creating great plot points.
My Goal
We'll see how things are going when I get to Week 4. I'm going to try to fill these prompts, but as long as I have silver, I'm happy!


Copper Power

Prompt 1
A powerful organization in your world
Prompt 2
A seat of power (of any kind!)
Prompt 3
A resource that provides fuel or power
Prompt 4
An animal associated with, or symbolizing, power
Prompt 5
A culture that has suffered under the rule of a stronger nation
Prompt 6
Military Conflict
A conflict between two unequal powers in your world
Prompt 7
The title & responsibilities of an important person in your world
Prompt 8
Natural Law
A destructive natural or supernatural element
Wild Card Prompt 9
A species known for its mischievous personality
Wild Card Prompt 10
A popular summer tradition that involves art and creativity

Silver Frontier

Prompt 1
An unclaimed, unregulated, or lawless region in your setting.
Prompt 2
A settlement at the limits of the 'known' or 'civilized' world.
Prompt 3
A job that takes its practitioners to remote or far away places.
Prompt 4
An animal found in a non-populated area.
Prompt 5
A useful plant found in a wild area of your world.
Prompt 6
A material or natural resource that comes from a dangerous region.
Prompt 7
A character driven by wanderlust or the desire to explore.
Prompt 8
A cuisine from a sparse, barren, or remote region or your world.
Wild Card Prompt 9
An iconic building or landmark representing a location.
Wild Card Prompt 10
A letter sent in secret by a well-known person in your world.

Gold Relics

Prompt 1
A tradition or behaviour considered old-fashioned.
Prompt 2
An item of great cultural or religious significance to a people in your world.
Prompt 3
An ancient city that is still inhabited today.
Prompt 4
A historical figure still venerated today, and why.
Prompt 5
A profession that has been rendered obsolete.
Prompt 6
A children's tale or song based on a real event.
Prompt 7
A species now considered extinct.
Prompt 8
A historical culture whose influence is still felt today.
Wild Card Prompt 9
A ceremony that represents a tradition or a transfer.
Wild Card Prompt 10
Natural Law
A rare natural phenomenon that most people look forward to.

Diamond Communication

Prompt 1
A method used to carry goods over long distances
Prompt 2
A system to send messages between distant places
Prompt 3
A form of silent communication
Prompt 4
An organization for which recruiting or proselytizing is important
Prompt 5
A species with an unusual form of communication
Prompt 6
A character who excels in manipulating others
Prompt 7
An important public announcement that one person addressed to many
Prompt 8
A building or landmark used for, or associated with, communication
Wild Card Prompt 9
A character who prefers to lurk in the shadows
Wild Card Prompt 10
A "negative" condition that has hidden advantages
Wild Card Prompt 11
An organization dedicated to keeping a major secret from the public
Wild Card Prompt 12
A myth or truth about the meaning of your universe

And as this is my first year, I am joining Camp Chill! Suits me well, I think, with my goals for this month.
Summer Camp Camp Chill Badge
A custom badge made in honor of Annie Stein's Camp Chill.  

Nnie's Camp Chill Guidelines

  • Remember the prompts are suggestions, not requirements.
  • Write what you're passionate about, leave what you aren't.
  • Relax when you feel tired.
  • Fight off any pesky brain-squitos trying to make you doubt your work.
  • Don't abandon your non-summercamp goals! Write that article you're itching to write, even if it doesn't fit any prompts.

  • (Shared with permission from Annie Stein. Read her thoughts on 'Camp Chill' on her Camp Pledge.)   If you'd like to repost this badge, add [imgblock:4574878] or [img:4574878] to your article.
    If you'd like to repost the guidelines, Amy Winters-Voss made a block version you can use by adding [block:1050823] to your article.

    Cover image: TrudyG Summer Camp 2023 Certificate


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