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The history of this place goes back much father than its Nation-hood. The Nation of Bair itself began after a great deal of strife and war among its peoples. Sometimes it seems that the peace is held together by mere threads, and it is still common for one tribe to challenge another, for honor, pride, resources, land, or old enmities that just won't go away.   Since anyone knows or remembers, the western land has been ravaged by conflict among peoples and monsters. Tribes or clans rise to prominence and control, lording over other clans and demanding tribute of great treasures and gifts, until another tribe rises up to take the advantage. Life in western Bair is nothing if not unpredictable and dangerous, depending on whose side you decide to take.   In the east then, there is a Kingship that is fought for much the same. The King, if popular enough, can hold power for decades, as long as he survives plots, wars, or assassinations. The current king is cunning and holds power over a strong militia. This guard and army group has collected a number of powerful human tribes, as well as mercenaries of giants and orcs, to bear arms and to guard the interests of the King, and to train and drill in military tactics, for a certain possible invasion of Karnnheist... Here is a good picture of the royal house in Bair. See Bair: Plot of Holki, the Prodigal Princeling.   Thus Bair is a Nation only in a loose sense. It is more of a region, the east of which is ruled by the might of a King, and the rest of which may or may not pay any tribute to the King (but soon very well may). Those groups that do will ostensibly receive aid and support from the King, but this support is notoriously unreliable except when it comes in the mutual interests of the Royal House.       Tribes and Clans involve many races, sometimes mixed in the same tribe or clan: Ogres Sacramp'em Dwarves Hill Dwarves Hill Giants Mountain Dwarves Werewolves Werebears Yakirion (Yakfolk) Spriggans Bearfolk Dragonborn   Cities and Particular Locations Map of Northwest Broond ("the Frontierlands"--not yet conquered by Holski's forces :
Northwest Bairen Frontier
This is the far northwestern reach of Bair itself, so far untouched by the forces of King Holski. This area is under the old system of tribes and clans. Will they bond together and fight off the Kingdom?
The Small Town of Brood, along the Ursa Way towards the Act 1: Other locations in Broond Within Broond, the most popular place for socializaing and culture:Act 1: The Four Bears Inn and Tavern Potential Adventures in Northwest Bair, based in Broond: Search "Act 2" (in "Act 2 possibilities") Orbbin, a Gnomish Village in the Ursa Forest: Orbbin, Gnomish Village in the Ursa Forest The Shivvaran Landmark of Old High Elven: @shiv         
THE BEARHEAD and the Torvag River and River Delta
  This is a region of the overall territory that has long been coveted as a strategic military site, and as such, a place shrouded in long-lost history. The "Head" itself is almost literally encrusted with old fortresses, watchtowers, keeps, and dungeons. Often a conquering army will build new structures rather than risk the hauntings that legend has created over the Head's "the two thousand years."   The Bearhead Region and the Torvag Delta are coveted areas for military takeovers, but the region crawls with chaotic creatures, human and otherwise, that put up a deadly defense.   At this time, the turning of year 927, king Holsi's armies have the advantage and are pressing hard. Most of their enemies have fought to the death or fled westward.    
Since the time of the Bairen revolution, and probably before that, sacred vinyards have been kept along the forest borders to the south of the Nation. The soil there is chalky, and it soaks rain readily. In the rainy season the vines ripen and swell up, and a particular fungus infects them, making themm swell to twice their size. The fungus, call Karrio, is bright red, and it quickly takes over the vine. And so the grapes are harvested and a wine-like beverage made. Bairen warriors on the side of the Avatari will drink this "nectar of the gods" before battle, and it grants super-human strength to its user. The wine is considered exteremely Holy and can only be served to a warrior in a temple or hallowed place, and by a priest of the reilgion.
The Flag of the Nation of Bair

The Skarro of Bair left behind a rich (but buried) tradition of literacy and writing, with a complex and effective alphabet, and in the years that followed their downfall, the Bairen people must have kept some of it alive, then after millenia combined it with the alphabet of Sallador in the south. Some poets and writers have gained inspiration also from Karnnheit, but writing itself is not a popular activity in Bair. The oral tradition is the main vehicle for linguistic exchange.  
There are three main gods in the "old pantheon" that receive the most attention. There are newer gods among the different tribes and clans, and they are worshiped less formally. In urban centters especially there are three deities. Some of the faithful actually worship all three, but usually there are temples to individual dieties. See separate document for details...


a common theme / time in Bair. In this nation these times are termed "Tinder Times," when the least movement from one or several tribes can swing an entire war into action. Great Avataris, in the prime of their leadership and power, can easily dissuade the people from a worthless and pointless bloodshed. But if one tribe is too anxious, or another is too haughty and immovable, a great war may result. The hope is that the Avatari leader can rally allies together and stop it before it becomes a full-on civil war.   Such a war has not happened in over 150 years, but its bloodshed is still recounted. King Holski's hope is that his overwhelming military might will induce surrendur before too much blood is shed.   Yet bloodshed will certainly not stop him.
Bair has oppressed and displaced the Sindar for many years. Most of them have fled and emmigrated from the danger. The Sindar were used as scapegoats (and still are) for the various troubles besetting Bair. See here about the Sindar:
Humans, Sindar
An underground group of Rogues and Assassins, bent on destroying the Bairen Nation, one killing at a time:
The League of Angry Sindar

The Bair tend to worship deities and follow traditions that are unique to their tribe or clan. The religion varies across clan, tribe, and race. Although the religion of a certain tribe will always be at least somewhat unique, there are some common threads: more male gods; gods of the sun; the trisckster deities; goddess of the warrior's afterlife; god of seeing and divination, etc. Two thousand years ago, a war-like tribe invaded the once-agrarian land of Bair. The conquerors bore stability, strong rule, and various interesting goods (such as the Barhenna). Most of all, they brought new deities, and these deities were gradually adopted, by this tribe or that, until the entire land had been converted. Generally a tribe will carry the flame of one or two deities, but some honor even the entire pantheon. The most skilled warrior in the Nation was (still is?) lifted up as a demi-god themself, an avatar of Darva, The Kind or Queen of Bair. This warrior leads the Unified Bairen Armies in battles of conquest, aggression, or defense. They rule alongside a person or several persons who help make laws, and ideally help the people of their Nation.   See Bairen Religion    Bair has a long history of battle-leaders and warlords ruling mightily over the land, until a new army and leader rise up to depose the former. Tribal alliances have bee extremely important, and for many years now Bair has enjoyed great peace and prosperity under the Overlord Marian. She grows old though, more and more every year, and already the confidence in her is waning. Soon something will break....


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