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Jack City Mafia

The City Itself Jack City

The Mafia play amongst themselves, what they refer to as "The Game."
  • The Kortico (the Raven)
  • The Mangloria (the nightshade, triplet sisters witches)
  • The Parenthaeli
  • THE TAMADARIA (current in North Middle-Jack, versus the Darsanti)
  • The Saducci (Drikalio their spy, sucking up to Tamadarians as way towards power, vs. Darsanti)
  • The Darsanti (have numerous spies all over Jack City and Tellarus...): The Toughest and Most Powerful, others team up on them at times
    JABBA'S DRUG: the Milky Way or "Nip" (2-4 hours unconscious euphoria, 2 more hours of +1 STR)   There are actually a large handful of mafia families in Jack City that hold sway over different districts and different people. They compete with each other with bribes and threats, and "the Game" as they call it permits no rest. Each family has a hierarchy of authority and power, usually divided into the Mafiosee (mafi-o-say), the Mafiosi, the Masifa, and the Mafioso (these latter holding ultimate authority over the family and its mob.  
Jack City Districts (rough map)
Jack City is broken up into districts with fairly solid borders. These borders are sometimes patrolled by the mafia families that dominate the areas. The socio-economic differences in the districts are sharp and distinctive, ranging from the unimaginable wealth and opulence of Hightower to the the slummy lowliness of Smedj.
  Hobgoblin: unknown, except that he carried an identification and pass for the Tamadarian castle in Jack City Tengu taken in to prison, called Shckotti Shinnz, warning of the Tamaduccis... spits bird spit on the floor and promises more trouble for the Tuk-shitto, "the Oddities" (the party) should they pursue their goals on Tellarus Motive of the Tamaduccis: Narran presence in the north would weaken their already tenuous hold on northern Jack City; Lawful Good neighbors are no good neighbors for Jack City Motive #2: To prevent lawful-leaning upstarts like Tario Tarsuko from making a foot-hold in Jack City politics. He is untouchable right now, but you his minions are not. Still one rat-folk assassin, who will be very very careful   These criminal groups have gained traction in the past, beginning as a sort of haven for the Wyranian people on the run from their society's decline. The in-fighting and struggle for survival eventually brought on the faction-ing between them: the beginning of the mafia families.   The mafia families were established around that time, based on the in-fighting that brought down Wyranian society in the first place.   They built towers and spires, seeking to outdo the others. The rivalray soon took over, and the families warred for their place in the hierarchy of Jack City.   Some towers still stand; many have crumbled, the rubble still visible in places. Oldl dungeons and underground complexes have been blocked off, and new ones built. They are "safe havens" for families, or places to put captured enemies, so they meet their demise at some horrible fate.   The main families play their games of subterfuge, violence, extortion, espionage, and intimidation. The cycle never seems to end. The goal isn't necessarily wealth, but rather to win at the game, little victories or (better) big victories. It's spiral, spiralling in power and pain.   In the lower parts of town, this or that family might hold it as a part of their "territory." A place where they make the hits and the bribes, and everyone is scared not to be on the mafia's side.   On the ground, the Mafia looks like just a turf war sometimes. Every family is looking for physical ground and its power. The more ground, the more power, it would seem.   There are some districts, however, that everyone just leaves alone, or perhaps sneaks to recruit this or that scum-bag assassin or talented murderer. These back-alleys are places where various groups, both pro-Mafia.   Here are some of these areas
  • Smedj ("goblin town")
  • Potario ("slum")
  • Jani
  • Fulkasi
  • Palacedo
At this point, the Kortiko (the raven) have an advantage, as they've taken most of the Blue Merchant District of Jack City (named for its bluish bedrock. The name is left over from a species of goblin that lived in the area over 1000 years ago.   There are two taverns here, ripe with Kortiko eyes and ears. One is The Blue Goblin and the other The Azure. There is also a well-renowned (and more expensive) Inn and Tavern called The Donatello (which means "blue-grey stone") in an old dialect of Aligorian Common.    
  OGRES Ogres from the wild eastern border of Tovven have been captured and pressed into duty for the Mafia, but especially so for the Kortiko and the Desrantis. It is customary to brand their chests with the house rune.   The Desranti have captured young ogres, who are easier to raise in service, and the Kortiko actually breed them to specifications: intimidating with dark-rimmed eyes and black gums with stained broken teeth, and kinky black hair tied up in a topknot.   Orcs and orc mongrels are otherwise the non-human henchmen of chioce. Rarely are they trusted to do important family business, but as captives they can be wrested into service as laborers, guards, or sailors, etc.   Goblins are used for the dirtiest jobs that no one else can or will do. Give a goblin an excuse to cause trouble (and pay them!) and they'll get right to it. The Mafia know that they can turn on a dime, or lose focus on the task, so a good pep talk and payment in food, booze, and coin will usually be necessary.   Kenku and Catfolk with a bent for evil are also hired, depending on their reputations or observations made. Others can be roped into service in different ways.
Tamadaria And Sarducci Families... : TAMADUCCI they call themselves

Their Symbol On The Walls...

The Tamaducci Alliance
  • Hobgoblin: unknown, except that he carried an identification and pass for the Tamadarian castle in Jack City Tengu taken in to prison, called Shckotti Shinnz, warning of the Tamaduccis... spits bird spit on the floor and promises more trouble for the Tuk-shitto, "the Oddities" (the party) should they pursue their goals on Tellarus

Motive of the Tamaduccis: 
  • Narran presence in the north would weaken their already tenuous hold on northern Jack City; Lawful Good neighbors are no good neighbors for Jack City
  • Motive #2: To prevent lawful-leaning upstarts like Tario Tarsuko from making a foot-hold in Jack City politics. He is untouchable right now, but you his minions are not.
Have very powerful assassins at their disposal
Imperial Presence
The imperials have taken a new interest in Jack City, now under the rule of the Empress


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