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Jack City Districts and Noman


  Jack City is a settlement of great wealth disparity, nestled (crowded) into a land basin, with cliff walls on the eastern edge. Basically, the further east you get into Jack City, the more wealth you have acquired, one way or another.   District Map
Jack City Districts (rough map)
Jack City is broken up into districts with fairly solid borders. These borders are sometimes patrolled by the mafia families that dominate the areas. The socio-economic differences in the districts are sharp and distinctive, ranging from the unimaginable wealth and opulence of Hightower to the the slummy lowliness of Smedj.
  Encounters: 2.0.2: Possible "random" encounters in Jack City   Encounters: @Possible


Wharfsfide Taverns:

Where fishermen, lower-level crime lords and their toadies, spies, and pirates will gather to share stories. Some places are almost exclusively fishermen, talking soberly and sharing Aligorian beers,
  • Fisherman's Wharf Tavern Names:
    Ruddy Lobster; The Seaside; The Rigg; Sonari's Alehouse; Whitari's Pub and Inn
    while other places are for dirty thugs and lowly pirates, trying to outdo eachother and gamble for gold
Pirate and Thug Establishment Names:
Sario's Fist and Die; Swarthio's Aletank; The Four Ogres; The Slime; The Crooked Gnome 2.1.1. Jack City, Jabba Desranti's Dive   Also see this document for general ideas: General Encounters between Noman and North Middle Jack      
These come with a warning, given especially by merchants. "Don't go there. There are deep, dirty secrets you don't want to know. It's a staging area, I swear, for the overtake of the whole ciity. Some of us are thinking of just taking ourselves. out altogether, moving south to the Gutter."

Rumors about Fulkasi abound. It is thought to be a hideout for thieves and murderers. The ground is uneven, they say, jumbles of rock, shaped purple and blocky. Also underground tunnels full of criminals that kill with no mercy. "Nobody goes there; don't get messed up in it."

  A thin stream flows down from the northeast, slashing out a rocky path through the landscape. Aside the gully are hunks of sandstone, big boulders and chunks giving space for the creek to swiftly pass. The trail leads along a thin space next to the stream, and you must walk single file, unless leaping boulder to boulder above. This is a small section of land, just north and above the Jack City cliffs.   [encounter with ogres and hobgoblins, camped out?]   After a short walk you can see down on the these cliffs and marvel at the enormous, ostentatious castles and keeps below, occupied by the Mafiosee Families and Clans of Jack City. You can also llok out over the city, its tapestry of slum and opulence. At the end of the way here, the path runs a switchback steeply down into the city.    
  The furthest east is Hightower, and down from there are the lowest and poorest, the slums like Smudj of the Goblin-folk. The upper districts are well-patrolled most of the time, to keep the riff-raff out, although the uppers must come down to the Wharfside often enough, to claim shipments of various goods,   HIGHTOWER ENCOUNTERS
  • Anyone not appearing well to do or trustworthy in any way, will encounter Imperial Guards, often horseback and foot in the same group
  • Many of these soldiers are corrupt and turn a blind eye
  • Nobles riding or walking the streets, most of them mafia in some way or another
  • Nobles: Jovial and rotund, with retinue
  • Bands of toughs and thugs, disguised enough, on their way to do business
  • Several extremely talented smiths who work with all kinds of materials
  • See "Name Reminder" in Notebooks for Mafia family names
  • Dorani Park ("Park of the Fountains")
  • Debuloso Sculpture Garden
  • Debuloso Inn and Suites
  • The Indiscriminate (Manglorian Den)
  • Tremroda's Ten Thousand Suites, Inn, and Tavern (many, many rooms; huge building; turns out to be where the Darsanti's set up and live: Many many back rooms hidden from public)
  • Parenthaelius: a magical emporium for high society magic; very expensive; run by the Parenthaeli, Jack City's magical family
  • Many places for fine weapons and arms
  Here the big city gives way to a semi-rural area, although with plenty of dangers and risk of crime. There is less danger of Mafia crime here, but still bands of thugs and bandits working the streets.   more rural, never see it from the road:> Little clusters of semi-urban sub-villages, many gardens   Those who pass through remark in the greatest simplicity and kindness of the people.   THE SKUMMROAD goes right through the center of JANNI. There are a few stairways up the side, where the road is still low. The District relies on the travellers for economic support.   It turns out that there is significant Imperial Presence, especially in southern JANNI, and travellers are questioned and sometimes searched as they leave Jack City.   ENOUNTERS IN JANI
  • Troop of Gardeners
  • Thugs and Toughs, wandering streets openly, could of any Mafia family, moften littler families
  • Thieves, disguised, wearing a green lion on red (part of the Janina, a thieves' guild... with tight Saducci mafia connections)
  • Halfling troop, of gardeners, tinkers, or performers
  • Hafling or Human Gardeners, selling their wares
  • Littleton's Garden Market
  • Jani Gardens and Conservatory
  • Jani Garden Market
  • Fallow's Ironsmithy
  • Little Lending Library
  • Skummroad Outfitters
  • Money Lender and Changer (hides a Saducci contengent)
  • The Dirty Boot


  The Kortiken ("the Raven") hold sway in this district, held in place by the brutality of hobgoblins, bugbears, some sycophantic goblins, and humans who mastermind its goings-on.   The streets are surprisingly empty of patrol, beyond black-clad self-styled hobgoblin guards. A person not willing to hail Kellimvor (or sometimes even a well-to-do who is) will be murdered as an offering. Those who look more powerful are left alone.   Residents are often dressed in black. Locations:
  • The Dagger and Sword (shop)
  • The Villains Three (inn)
  • (Five Temples to Kellimvor)
  • Tukknuz' fukkwukker (The Darkened Star: hobgoblin and bugbear joint)
  • Kellimvor's Blood (human joint, but also goblinoids)
  • Bratezzamakk (Bratty's herb'n'trinkets)
  • Shezzbukkit'kokk (Smith)
  • Trr'rrzr'kukk (ritual supplies) goblin holes, information Down a goblin hole, possibly to the Drow  
  A kind of religious enclave for Kelimvor (see also the hobgoblins' "Bane" on the continent of Dreamscape Several enclaves, low black buildings, sometimes (in the extreme) with heads on stakes. Sponsered by the Kortico, in order to sanction "state" violence and murder.   Every now and then holds a large gathering, that people can bring their slain (by any means) and leave them in "Kelimvor's ladle of death," an enormous boat-shaped ark at the edge of the platform. Kellimvor is sead to grant protection and power, to an extend based on the greatness of the gift.   Here, in front of Kellimnor's main temple (a two story building stacked neatly of porous black rock, with precise corners and windows), there is a raised platform of wide limestone. (Your nose detects a vague stench that issues from the building, and from the bowl.)   Kellimvor's priests are (usually) two hobgoblinlns and one human. All dress in jet black robes, lined with red, and faces painted in red and black diamond shapes. The hobgoblins brandish tridents of black metal, and the human celebrant has now weapons to be seen.   The prayer is to Kellimvor, a call for cadavers and body parts. "Come, fill the ladle, that Kellimvor the Grim might feed on the sick. Come, friends, and witness the jaws of death!"   "Bring the feast!" The faithful form a line, and the priests rescue valuable items from the bodies heaved into the great bowl. This is a kind of tithe.   Bowl full, three acolytes, similarly dressed, step out of the temple--two with viola-like instruments, and one with a long black brass trumpet. They issue a screeching and wild bugling, the sound competes with the stench for the dissonant and the unpleasant.          
  This is a modest but laterally long rise in the ground, significant enough that its people can look out over the (rather ugly and ruined) city to the West. The dirty smell of coal-fires permeates the area, as residents burn what they can to keep warm.   It is a place of petty thief-lords and more relatively powerful bands of thugs and criminals. In the right places, things are more organized here than elsewhere.   Hobgoblin thief lords, you're impinging on their space... start the Skummroad here, but pay them off first   It seems that HOBGOBLIN crime lords have a particular place in this mileu. THE SKUMMROAD begins here, modestly, but picks up momentum heading south into MANGLOR, where a high wall is mounted up and around it.   ENCOUNTERS ON LIAR'S HILL Ogres / Hobgoblins / Goblins / Human Toughs, sometimes (daringly) walking in the open, but often at night
  • Taverns: Sario's Fist and Die; Swarthio's Aletank; The Crooked Gnome; The Slime; The Dead Imperial
  • Shops:
  • Dale Street (black market for magic and evil weapons; also selling mundane items that might not be in good shape)
  • Shops:
  • Crookedwitch Arms and Armor;
  • Sandy's Hardtack and Adventure;
  • The Buttsmucker (this and that, a tinker's store
  • Darkelven's Cloaks and Curios


Entirety of the District is in Jack City: Manglor and the Skummroad  


NARRATIVE, NORTH MIDDLE JACK (rain and winter)--also specific to the Odd Party and their experiences:

"The handsome district of North Middle Jack lies shrouded in the mist and rain of a west coast winter, light pressing windows and streetlamps through the gloom. You wend your way through the streets over refreshingly well-laid cobble.

The rain patterns consistently, chill reaching the bonesm but this mild descent into the city brings the promise of food and warmth.

As if cued to your thoughts, the familiar and friendly inn of Versario's comes into view, across from it the handsome residence of Tario Tarsuko, bright it seems even in the rain. Even from this distance you see a warm glow in the hearth. No doubt Stella is right now stoking the hearth-flame and serving a fine brandy to your merchant friend and whatever guests he might entertain.

The Darsanti Family is more or less in charge of this area, the Tamadaria sycophantically pay tribute to them, subject to them. The Tamadaria have more of a face, but the Darsanti control them. They are like a laundering.   OPEN AIR MARKETS:

Connection to Tovvens, holds open air markets, and grocers and craftspeople from the north, who can sell what they want for a fee to the Tamadaria families.

Even more will offer protection for the business, or other perks. Many of them live in Tovvens Way. Customers from throughout the northern districts, even from northern HighTower (the Tamadaria family) come to purchase.

North Middle-Jack is also known for its "high culture," attracting the best bards and performers in the city. These artists are offered protection while staying, and the North MJ is generally a safe place for those of status.

There are numerous plays and "Music in Large," or Musakoffa in concert halls, or in open air during the summer months. More Upscale Establishments
  • Vertario's (BUTO: Inkeep, seems to run the place all by himself, but is assisted by a small-time mage
  • named BORDA, who runs tables and casts spells to keep the dishes clean and do the basic chores to keep it up
    The Tamadarian

  • Snapjack's Whiskeyhouse
    Twenty One Sailors
    Bran Fargo's Brass Bar
  • Sharpknife and Hasslehoff, a trendy upscale bar
  • The Ogre, a kind of fun-and-game or upscale gambling place
  • The Bristle and Boar (a quality Tovvens' butcher)
  • Sonarata's Wines and Whiskeys

  • Tovvens' Finest
    The Magic Circle (restaurant at the top of a tower, that turns 360 degrees slowly):
    Further up-town are the fancier or fanciest establishments, serving Tovven wines and good Eastlands ale and whiskey, along with up-scale meats and Tovven potatoes and carrots. These places are clean and well-staffed, and expensive.
  • The Call to Arms
  • (various grocers)
  • The Sentinel: Fine Magical Items and Accoutrements
  • Dare to Know, Emporium of Good Books

  • The Scholar's Den (books and academic magic)
    For the Love of Adventure (this and that, adventuring items)
Banks Solidary Dwarven Keepsbank Wendel's Loans and Crowns The Stable Crown   Open air markets Wizards Market North Middle Jack Sandar Market (huge, center of town, anything agricultural) Livestock and Transport (animals, carts, barrels, transporting stuff)   The Dare tp Know (like a pawn shop for anything at all)  
  • First-World Gateway (on border with Smedj in an old weedy garden plot): VERSTRI the child who frequents said borderland
      More Information / Encounters for North Middle Jack   Back in North Middle-Jack: Places and People   Encounters in Smedj and North Middle Jack   General Encounters between Noman and North Middle Jack   Little Dream I: In Middle-Jack, Odds and Details


    2.0... As of Session 4, Adventure Opportunities   2.0.1 ... Three plot divergences from Kora Darsanti and the Dragon   2.0.2: Possible "random" encounters in Jack City Jack City, Jabba Darsanti, Compound, and Information Jabba's Cantina: Being Captured   2.1.11... Approached by the Saducci   2.1.2. E'in Ruins   2.1.3... The Chateau: Kobold Queen Assassination   2.1.4 : The Fountain of Youth goblin holes, information Down a goblin hole, possibly to the Drow   2.1.8... Assassin from the Darsantis      
    More Upscale Establishments
    • Further up-town are the fancier or fanciest establishments, serving Tovven wines and good Eastlands ale and whiskey, along with up-scale meats and Tovven potatoes and carrots.
    • These places eare clean and well-staffed, and expensive.
    • The Golden Swine; Alabaster's; Greens and Golds
    Parenthaeli (green and gold) and Darsanti (silver outline around black) are the prominent families here; both have gates in this district

    The Darsanti hold the real power, and Parenthaeli basically work for them.


    Remember the Pukwudgie Warning: "UR FREVR PRSOOD!"
    "The Slum Between"--Jack City and the Tellaran Gutter

    Hovels lean this way and that; streets wander, sloppy and jig-jaggy, among the poverty of little buildings and lean-tos.

    They might be the poorest of dwellings, perhaps the dirty ghosts of old shop-fronts, or the ugliness of new.

    The architecture of the slum lists and crumbles. There are many ruins among those upright, and many shacks and wet tents littering the ways.

    Down the way, between gutters of muck and offal, there are raggedy folk, wandering or begging or toiling at some hopeless task. Shoulders all about are hunched, unprotected from the wet and the cold.

    The darkness here is almost total. The streets are not lit but for the dung-firest of the poor. Those making their way do so through a smelly black.   ERILA TAWNY; ASSASSIN Rogue Hiding Out, ERILA TAWNEY (of the Red Mantis): Murdered SIRA DeVICCO, a corrupt Senator of the Daeri Region (central plains). Will not share organization name right away. Will vet the party first. Now hiding out in Noman until the Imperials and Daerians give up the search. Plans to head east to the Eastlands and hide away, and reconnect with the Mantis <> DeVicco was effectively selling the region to the Imperials, to ditch her region and settle far east, away from any blame or responsibility. Imperial troops already have a thick presence in Daeri. <> ERILA is searching for safety but will defect or rob or steal as soon as opportunigy presents.   TAREN TINKERBODD: A tinker woman selling her cheap wares. One thing valuable: a Wind Duster, when waved can call up a stiff breeze for one round every day. Taren is a former odd-mage, can read Auran. A little wink-and-wind from her?      
    • Often a haven for pirates and thieves of the high seas. A relatively short walk from the docks, with plenty of excitement for people who've been out at sea for weeks or months.
    • Thisi is especially a place where Zephyran sailors can go without prejudice of fights. The Inns support their business, and there are usually guards or bouncers at the taverns, many of them Zephyran themselves.
    • The merchants of Jack City advise: "Don't go there, friends; it's not worth the trouble."
    ENCOUNTERS Pirates of any kind Drunkards Most Human: Aligorians (Tessinae?) and Zephyrans, usually sticking to their own groups, but almost always un-molested by others. This is even a place where they can freely exchange information, and gamble with each other. Occasionally Ogre Bouncers, but usually human The odd Tengu group, often thieves of thieves   LOCATIONS
    • Scarry Garden
    • The Bloodloot
    • The Cove
    • Uptown Racket
    • The Barf-Bucket
    • Farward Gold and Smithy
    • The Fairlaw Exchange
    • Bitty-Wipple's Sailequippy (owned oddle by a totally ripped and tough, known and respected by the frequents... Some of the items secretly enhanted in some way)
    • The Scimitario
    • Mafia Scourge
      A district inhabited by goblins, under threat of goblins, and for goblin business. Where there are hobgoblins or ogres (both rare), a great deal of power and prestige follows them.   The area is full of coal fumes; it's the resource that Smedj can procure, and every goblin uses it for cooking fires and warmth, and for some smithing   Goblins can run amok here, little imperial presence Have given up on this district Holes that lead to goblin hideout   An elaborate and impossble series of tunnels and earthen rooms; these are kept by the goblins for a hideout. They can slip away any time to avoid danger.
    Jack City: goblin holes, information
    Jack City: Down a goblin hole, possibly to the Drow   The holes are often very small, just goblin-sized. Some are bigger, for hobgoblins etc.   ESTABLISHMENTS Sukkit'i'buns : The Whisky's Courage But'sunz'Jakko : One-eyed son-of-a-Jack Pudj : The Mouthful


    Encounters in Smedj and North Middle Jack      
    Here are modest but well-kept houses, except many deserted and ruins towards SMEDJ. (It seems that SMEDJ has been leaking its way into Tovvens for many years.). Many gardens in Tovvens' Way, and even some larger agricultural endeavors, especially livestock.   District map of Jack City:
    Jack City Districts (rough map)
    Jack City is broken up into districts with fairly solid borders. These borders are sometimes patrolled by the mafia families that dominate the areas. The socio-economic differences in the districts are sharp and distinctive, ranging from the unimaginable wealth and opulence of Hightower to the the slummy lowliness of Smedj.
      Tovven's People are afraid of Goblins and will almost always call out the guard to take them away. There are actually groups of Militia that are anti-Goblin. Farming Spinach, Blue Cherries, Fountain-fruit, Root Vegetables, Red Cherries, Jay Cherries   Livestock: Pigs and Sheep especially Sheep grazing on the far side of the valley   PLACES Donovarra: Master Healer Franconia's Implements and Drisanna's Tack and Barrel   Many clean, comfortable inns    
    Description of Tovven's Way From Over the Lip of the Valley to the North
      "Proceeding south from the Stones, leaving its straight streets and once very orderly arrangement of architecture, the gritty road narrows, becomes the narrowest of paths, overgrown in some places with low greenery.   "The cold and wet of the path swing around a stony rise in the land, to a vista over a shallow green valley. This is Tovven's way, an agricultural community cloistered along a modest river that wends its way through.   "Your path leads down from the southern lip of the valley, into the green fields that surround the neat buildings of Tovven's Way. The winter crops are almost glownig in their verdancy.   "Suddenly the sunshine breaks through the clouds and pierces the gloom with its light. The brilliance blinds you momentarily, startling out of so many dark days. The district below, and its tidy rows of plants, reflects a shining luminous for several moments, and then the sun is gone.   "With difficulty, you take in the sight of Tovven's Way ane wonder about its status as a district of Jack City. The latter is so often messy, dirty, and cruel, and the village below seems none of these things.   "The path before you switches back, broad an gentle, down into Tovven's Way."      
    Description of the Way from The Stones to Jack City from the North (going essentially around Tovvens Way)
      "The road through the ruins of the Stones, so curiously straight and empty and gritty puddles of sand on its way south, finally shows a rise into hilly-country. Here weigh enormous, angular boulders, as if some huge power had hurled and jumbled them about.   "Rocks lie all around you as you head uphill, all katty-wampus and random, a far cry from the ruined city you just left. Indeed, this must be its border.   "The road continues to rise, now winding its way among the huge boulders of acient yellow sand. Hiking, climbing, and clamboring, you reach the crest of the hill.   "The hilltop provides a vista that looks over Jack City to the south. In the distance are the castles and keeps of shining grey stone and glittering granite. There are the abodes of the most powerflu famialies and their retinues.   "The weather is cold and wet, and although you might pick out Tario's town-home in Middle Jack, and Versario's Inn nearby, they are lost in the obscurity of rain and mist.   "The rest of Jack City fades from this height off into the curious mix of slum and comfort that is Jack City. There are rich men, Imperials, even good men, and there are half-starved men, and lurking in every corner is a pirate, a slumlord, a murderer, a mercenary, or a thief.   "Today, down below you, all of them go about their business beneath a low, soggy sky.


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