The Elves, General Ethnicity in Little Dream | World Anvil
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The Elves, General

The Elder Race of Summer's Tale

Elves have a variety of homelands on Summer's Tale. In these places they have built their refined civilizations, each slightly different, and each of a different age. Elven culture is ancient to say the least, and new cities and dwellings are often built atop ancient--or extremely ancient--sites of all kinds. Generally, the longer the Elves stay in one place, the more sophisticated, magical, and culturally developed are their Homes.   Links: Elven Religion

For the List of Locations on Summer's Tale where the different ancestries are found: Elven Heritage: Locations on Summer's Tale


High Elves Direct descendants of the elves that came from across the seas thousands of years past. Graceful in movement, magic, and language, they carry strong Fey energy. They are a proud race, sometimes quite certain the Elven race is the greatest and most superior. Still, they usually retain a kindness about them, or at least civility. They live up to 700 or 800 years, reaching full adulthood around 75. High Elves     Wood Elves Close cousins of the High Elves, but settling in wilder environs, such the Forest of Elvendell, a native environment. They are unsurpassed woodsmen, trackers, and hunters, often lower-key than their High Elf cousins. Sometimes their advice is sought by the High Elves, regarding issues of plant, animal, or forest.   Wood Elves are not estranged from their High Elf cousins, often living in nearby wildlands and conducting trade and mutual defense. The Elves of the Forest have their own customs qnd values, not exactly the same as other Elven heritages.   Wood Elves follow a very old religion that could best be described as Animistic, living consciously among the Fey creatures of their forests, honoring them and propitiating them and enjoying relationships of many kinds.
Wood Elves     ARCTIC ELVES: These nomads arrive every century or so, a ship or two on the southern shores of Aligora, travelling from who-knows-where. They are a grim people generally, “a grey people” said by some. Their skin is near-white, their hair even whiter, with a silver sheen.
Arctic Elves   CAVERN ELVES: An ethnicity rarely seen above ground, origin unknown. Friends of the umbral gnomes and even the dwarves, depending on location. They are often very curious about elven life above ground, and this can draw them forth into more open places. They are tough, courageous, and curious as well. Their color is often grey to dark-grey, even black, and their hair is pure jet black in almost all cases.
Cavern Elves   DROW: A spinoff race of Elves born of contempt, jealousy, and spite, these Elves seethe with hatred and cruelty. They live in the Underdark or Shadowlands, high in the mountains or in the lowliest swamps, in societies based on survival of the fittest. Their chief goddess, Lolth the Spider Queen, is their constant fear, and their constant source of power. These dark elves--their skin the color of dark purple to jet-indigo--always look for a way to impress or destroy their superiors. Their society is dominated by the power of Spiders and the Priestesses of Lolth.
Drow Player Characters, Basic Creation
For a Graphic Selection of the Elven Ancestries, Linked to Information, see
The Elven Ancestries Whiteboard Page:
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For details, see: Elven Heritage: Locations on Summer's Tale     WESTERN TRISPHERE:
  • FOREST OF ELVENDELL (wood and high elves)
  • ELVEN DESERT (cavern elves)
  • LAQ FOREST (wood and high elves)
  • DWELLIAN WOODS (high elves)
  • YELVEHAVEN (cavern elves, high elves, wood elves)
  • WOODS OF LOSTHOME (arctic elves)
  • CENTURIA (wood elves)
  • GREYHEART FOREST (high elves)
  • FOREST OF DJINN (high elves)
  • YOLDWOODS (cavern elves wood elves)


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