Winter Miller-Fujimoto

Winter Ember-Dusk Miller

Kid in the middle is a blue hair and pronouns transsexual. Actually everyone looks like transsexuals. they don’t look right. in fact they all look fake.
— Fake TikToker

Physical Description

Body Features

Very petite, rather skinny but not supermodel thin. They have child-sized hands and technically child-sized feet. They definitely enjoy wearing childrens' clothes because of their size, though they still do wear adult clothing.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Winter was assigned female at birth and their gender fluxuates between agender and demigirl, but they consistently would rather use they/them pronouns. Occasionally a 'she/her' is allowed to be dropped, they don't mind. Just not often please.


They are asexual/aromantic, pan-lesbian, and polyamorous. They are in a love triangle relationship with Hiiragi and Moriko and are content with that relationship.


Graduated from ODU with a Bachelor's in Japanese studies with a minor in political science, and are continuing their Japanese studies for a Master's degree.


In the past, they worked numerous retail and packaging jobs, jumping from one to the other until they turned 25. A year after earning their bachelor's degree, they finally scored a job as a contract specialist for NASA. They precariously balance their work with their schooling, but it works out. At least, until they find themself in Llenaria trying to stop a king and his minions from unsundering the realms. That and, when Winter comes back to Earth, there's not really a NASA, or really any government facility, left on Earth.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Mundanely, Winter is extraordinarily good at picking up languages and loves learning about languages and the cultures they belong to. Hence, they know at least three other languages. Their favorite of the three is Japanese, though.

Another thing Winter is excellent at is their creative hobbies: drawing and writing.

One thing Winter is extremely inept at is math. Growing up, their dream was to become an astrophysicist. Unfortunately, their inability to do math past basic pre-calculus resulted in them having to take another path in their college career. However, they do not regret where they are now, given their studies in Japanese allowed for them to meet both of their partners. Win/Win.

Another thing is...they cannot crochet or knit. Their mom tried teaching them, but their brain does not work that way. They wanted to, but couldn't.


Winter Miller-Fujimoto

Partner (Vital)

Towards Hiiragi Wren Morino



Hiiragi Wren Morino

Partner (Vital)

Towards Winter Miller-Fujimoto




Met through Moriko Fujimoto, who was already in a relationship with Hiiragi after being childhood friends. After Moriko initially started dating Winter and including Hiiragi in the dates, the two also fell in love and decided together that they would be a real life love triangle, and not the fake 'love corner' that people call a 'love triangle'.

Nicknames & Petnames

Hiiragi will call Winter 'Fuyu' (冬) sometimes, as that is their name in Japanese. For pet names, he calls them 'dear' or, if he's really in the mood, he might call them 'sweetling'.

Winter's pet name for Hiiragi is 'Howl' because of Howl's Moving Castle.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both of them love anime, Star Trek, Final Fantasy 7 & 14, books, and love history.

Legal Status

Domestic Partners

Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
January 31st
Androgynous with a side of femininity
Denim blue eyes
Short, undercut, fluffy, dark blue hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white skin
5’2”; 60in; 157cm
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Well crit."
Eclectic Pagan
Known Languages
English, Spanish, Japanese, and Arabic

Magic Abilities and Attributes


The magical art of ice manipulation.

  • Ground Freeze: covers the ground in ice by manipulating water, and the user can either freeze the enemy's feet or they can let the enemy slip-n-slide. The more power a user has, the more area they can cover and freeze.
  • Frost Bite: a frost that surrounds the enemy and slowly freezes them until the user stops it or the individual dies.
  • Blizzard: the user has the ability to use cold, ice precipitation, and wind to create snowstorms of varying strength.
  • Frigid Beam: a beam of frost shot out from the user's hands
  • Ice Prison/Ice Binding: the user either creates a prison or binds their opponent with ice.
  • Ice Shield: the user creates a shield made of ice to protect them and/or their teammates.
  • Unmeltable Ice: a move that only Winter and a rare few others can perform. It is an ice that cannot be melted by fire.
  • Cold Blast: A blast of cold that a user can cast from their hands. Will freeze non-magic liquids if it comes into contact, and will give other beings in the vicinity frostnip or frostbite depending on length of exposure.
  • Ice Infusion: ice encapsulates the user and this is the only time in which the user is safe from frostbite or hypothermia, at least temporarily. This is a protective measure used in dire situations, as this is the most draining of the ice techniques. Due to the overuse this can create, the user will likely earn some frostbite afterward.


  • Allegedly, cannot use fire magic if an ice magic user. However, this was simply a rumor to keep people from knowing the truth—that fire-ice users, or Niefl—are one of the more powerful mages to exist.
  • Winter is not immune to frost-bite, and overusage of the magic will also cause minor frostbite.
  • Sound-based magic and attacks will shatter ice.
  • Has to have acess to water to be able to create ice, or utilize existing ice.




The biggest thing is that Winter is a Niefl, or a mage who can perform fire and ice magic. Niefl are typically people with the blood of a Wyleni Elves, who are known to be more extraordinarily talented in their use of magic. Moriko comments in the beginning of the book how much Winter looks like an elf, before knowing of their true ancestry.

Character Portrait image: by Seraph Abell


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