Olivia Brewford
Duchess Olivia Brewford
The first wife of King Ara Astrid and mother of Vela, Olivia Brewford was a prominent noble prior to her engagement to King Ara. Cousins to the Marshlyns, the Brewfords were the second most important noble family in the Marshlyn province. It was believed that her engagement to Ara was set up by Lord Marshlyn as a way to position the Marshlyns to take over more power in Shirdal, and the Marshlyns were especially upset when Ara ended their marriage and Olivia vanished never to be heard from again. It only made matters worse when Ara married the daughter of a Baron, as this was seen as barely better than marrying a commoner.
1505 AC
1551 AC
46 years old
Circumstances of Death
Assumed to be dead however her date of death is actually her year of disappearance